What's Wrong With This Picture: Stay Away From My Baby! Edition

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Hyundai’s Dan Bedore leaked this covered-up snap of the new American-made Elantra to Twitter, with the caption

Just received this from our friends at the plant in Alabama.

Hyundai’s done a good job of keeping quiet about the new Elantra, but anyone who pays attention to cars has seen the Elantra before… hell, we’ve even seen it park itself. Not that we’re jaded or anything. Luckily we’re still going to be able to get our new-Hyundai kicks today, as we just received a treasure trove of new baby photos from Korea…

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

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  • NN NN on Nov 10, 2010

    I just returned from a trip to Asia, including a few days in Seoul, and saw a few of these on the road. They do indeed look really good. However, I am even more impressed with the higher-trim versions of the new Kia Optima, which look fantastic. Hyundai/Kia is really on a roll.

  • Jj99 Jj99 on Nov 10, 2010


  • Don1967 Don1967 on Nov 10, 2010

    Gotta admire Hyundai's sense of humour in satirizing the "spy" photo.

  • Shaker Shaker on Nov 11, 2010

    Yes, he looks like a kid getting busted unwrapping his Christmas present @ 1AM.
