Paris 2014: Infiniti Teases Q80 Inspiration Concept

Cameron Aubernon
by Cameron Aubernon

Another day, another teaser. This time, Infiniti released a couple of vague images ahead of the 2014 Paris Auto Show, previewing the Q80 Inspiration concept.

Autoblog reports the concept is a “low-slung, ingeniously aggressive four-passenger fastback” meant to show the world how the brand wishes to become a major player in the global luxury game. As reported earlier, Infiniti has plans for a flagship model as part of its overall lineup expansion, and may be hinting at such a thing with the Q80.

More details are expected to slowly leak out prior to the concept’s global debut October 2. Until then, this is all we have.

Cameron Aubernon
Cameron Aubernon

Seattle-based writer, blogger, and photographer for many a publication. Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.

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  • Cbrworm Cbrworm on Sep 05, 2014

    They need to stick to RWD/AWD sporty cars with High HP engine options and nice interiors. They don't have the cachet to win the Lexus/Mercedes crowd - they should be an affordable BMW competitor. I want a new M56s and FX50s to replace my current G35 6MT and FX45, but the prices are too high and the cars are a little over the top luxury wise and a little over-nannied to be super sporty. It's like they are channeling the Hyundai Genesis driving experience. I shouldn't say that, but they M56 doesn't seem as sporty to drive as the M45. I would be happy with a V8 RWD Maxima w/ leather and nav. I will probably keep driving the G35 and FX45 until the wheels fall off both.

  • Tosh Tosh on Sep 07, 2014

    Rococo styling on a car body creates an impression that is the opposite of solidity, strength, or power, no matter how fluid it might look. Maybe I just don't get this new world luxury? Maybe Infiniti is trying to appear to be more distinctive than Lexus, but they both FAIL to my peasant eyes.

  • ToolGuy There was a time when in a place called America there were roads, and they were paved, and they were paved smoothly enough for a vehicle like this. Perhaps our next President will bring back that concept.
  • ToolGuy I suppose I will listen before commenting. (TG, what a fair-minded dude!)
  • ToolGuy "The technology is much more advanced to be better than a role model driver,”• Do any of you know what a "role model driver" is? No, I guess you wouldn't. 😉
  • ToolGuy I might be Batman.
  • Lou_BC Well, I'd be impressed if this was in a ZR2. LOL