Hypermilers Can't Drive 55, Either

Richard Chen
by Richard Chen

Thankfully, we haven't heard much about restoring Richard Nixon's national 55mph speed limit. Meanwhile… The Washington Post provides a first-person report by Honda Insight driver and proselytising hypermiler Glenn Conrad of Columbia, Maryland. Conrad states that he was not kicking ass but definitely saving gas just after midnight on an open road on the way to Baltimore – Washington International Airport. He says he was keeping his speed between 50 and 65mph (depending on the grade) in the far right lane. One of Maryland's Finest proceeded to pull Conrad over. Ten miles later (just kidding), the cop handed Conrad a warning for traveling below the legal minimum speed (50 mph). The officer stated that he often caught drunk drivers driving slowly, but didn't "offer" Conrad a breathalyzer. Conrad is plenty P.O.ed. "It seems that to be a good American, I have to drive faster. I need to use more gas. Go figure." Conrad just wishes the cop had given him a proper ticket, so he could argue his case in court. Next time. So beware hypermilers: no good deed goes unpunished.

Richard Chen
Richard Chen

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  • Pch101 Pch101 on Jun 25, 2008
    As far as I know, you do not tailgate, no reputable hypermiler advocates drafting Wayne Gerdes is one of the better known hypermilers. He's fond of drafting trucks (read: tailgating) and going down hills in neutral with the engine off, barreling around corners at 50mph+ in the process: http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2007/01/king_of_the_hypermilers.html Sorry, but if this article is accurate (and I have no reason to believe that it isn't), then this guy needs to go to jail. For awhile. Maybe a long while. Anyone who drives like this is a hazard on the highway and should have his license revoked. He's clearly a nutjob and a menace, and is actually proud of it. If he wants to save fuel that badly, he should get a bus pass. Fortunately, he wouldn't use much gas in a cell.
  • Beelzebubba Beelzebubba on Jun 25, 2008
    Pch101 : June 25th, 2008 at 10:36 am "Wayne Gerdes is one of the better known hypermilers. He’s fond of drafting trucks (read: tailgating) and going down hills in neutral with the engine off, barreling around corners at 50mph+ in the process: http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2007/01/king_of_the_hypermilers.html Sorry, but if this article is accurate (and I have no reason to believe that it isn’t), then this guy needs to go to jail. For awhile. Maybe a long while. Hopefully that whole Darwin "Survival of The Fittest/Thinning The Herd" will get him off the roads before he hurts anyone....
  • Nonce Nonce on Jun 25, 2008

    I've read that Mother Jones article before; I've met one of those guys. Still, they're more interested in upping MPG than saving gas. Look at that situation where the guy takes an extra turn to end up right back at his starting point instead of just hitting the brakes. He uses more gas but gets more "free miles." Sheesh.

  • GetYourFactStraight GetYourFactStraight on Jun 25, 2008

    I live close to that area, and I will tell you this, that doing what he did on an Interstate is very dangerous. According to Maryland Law: 21-804(a): a person shall not operate willfully operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. When driving on any road whatsoever, driving for your own selfishness to save around 2-5 dollars worth of gas neglecting any other person out there on the road is dangerous, and in my opinion, that person is more of a threat to others than speeders. I'm sorry, but that mentality is only causing more accidents to happen..and for what, 2 to 5 dollars of savings. The trooper did his job, to protect others on the road. As for the AUTHOR of the article, maybe you need to do a bit more research on your claim before you assume that you are right. I got tons of links to the Washington Metropolitan Area news articles, and having one link there does not satisfy your claim in knowing what really happened. That's my rant, complain all you want. Wanna save gas, DON'T DRIVE!
