Our Daily Saab: Lurid Crime Stories And An Unwelcome Bank Wire
Actually, we shouldn’t even mention Saab before the court in Vänersborg renders its verdict on Dec 16. The court will decide whether it follows the suggestion of the court appointed administrator Guy Lofalk to lift the creditors protection on Saab. But it’s a slow newsday, and Saab is always good for a story. No, we don’t mean the €3,322,993.13 allegedly transferred by Youngman. No, we are not referring to the latest round of hamfisted censorship at Saab’s enthusiast site. We are talking about a story that is making the rounds on websites that specialize on the activities of the Russian mob. They insist that Saab’s darling Antonov “has been involved in a number of financial scams before.” The mobster tracking site Rumafia says:“A few years ago Antonov moved almost all Snoras’ liquid assets, $400-500 million worth, to foreign accounts. He disguised the fraud under a series of loans which the bank allocated to front companies with no real asset backing.”Hmmm. No real asset backing?
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Our Daily Saab: Unplugged

December 16 is the day Saab’s fate will be decided. Court appointed administrator Guy Lofalk, who yesterday was ready to pull the plug, pulled it today. Currently, Saab is under creditor protection. However, Lofalk asked the Vänersborg District Court to lift the protection, opening the door to final bankruptcy. In a statement cited by Reuters, Lofalk said:

“Since the required funding has not been received and the stated schedule not been kept, the (Saab) companies lack the ability to pay upcoming liabilities.”

Lofalk also named General Motors’ unwillingness to approve proposed deals. GM had driven what looks like the final nail in the coffin, by denying the deal that was proposed a few days ago:

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Our Daily Saab: Administrator Ready To Pull The Plug

The accounts are empty, GM keeps saying no, the reconstruction administrator is about to pull the plug on Saab. Unfazed, The Church of The True Saab goes from clumsy spinning to simply telling lies. First, they turned “a bank in China” into “the Bank of China.” As Chinacartimes quips, this “could be anything from the smallest local city bank to a national level bank.”

Now, Saabsunited spins another yarn to keep the faithful from losing faith and face:

“Pang Da says that they are not out of the deal, on the contrary, they continue talks.”

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Our Daily Saab: Banking On A Chinese Bank, Not Bank Of China

Rumors that the Bank of China would be taking a role in the “rescue” of Saab turn out to have been something of a miscommunication. Saab explains the situation as it currently exists.

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Our Daily Saab: Saabinistas Turn Submissive, Beg GM For Mercy

The Church of The True Saab reports rather breathlessly that a YADTFSS (yet another deal to finally save Saab) has been found. The organ that prides itself to have knowledge of insider information (which it usually never releases) relies on Sweden’s TTELA, which says (translation courtesy Church of The True Saab : )

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Our Daily Saab: There Is A Connecticut Mascioli With A Long Criminal Record

Is Saab betting on being saved by a man with a mile log rap sheet? We are not talking Vladimir Antonov. We are talking Alex Mascioli.

On Wednesday, Swedish Automobile N.V. including Saab Automobile AB published its 3rd quarter 2011 report. It is a report written in red ink. It talks about the well documented troubles with China and GM. It mentions that there is “a memorandum of understanding for a conditional agreement for the sale of Spyker Automotive business to North Street Capital with net proceeds for Swan of EUR 32 million.”

The report then says:

“The future of Swan will depend on the outcome of these negotiations.”

A lot has been written about the Chinese aspect. Very little is known about the mysterious North Street Capital, LP, of 500 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 400, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830. Some claim it works out of a virtual office. The company is so discrete that its website shows a white page (at least on my browser.) What is known is that the alleged hedge fund is owned by an alleged car enthusiast (aren’t we all) by the name of Alex Mascioli. His track record in the world of car racing and the world of finance is sketchy at best. Whoever hinges the future of Swan on Mascioli and North Street Capital should do some due diligence.

The State of Connecticut has a long rap sheet on an Alexander Mascioli, born in 1975.

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Our Daily Saab: Muller Losing Faith, Antonov Going Down

A TTAC tipster sent us a Teknikens Värld interview with Saab’s long-suffering would-be rescuer, Victor Muller, in which the eternal Saabtimist seems ready to admit defeat. In essence, he admits that GM is unlikely to ever approve a plan involving Chinese firms, that the Chinese firms are throwing “money into a black hole” and that all the previous plans are off the table. Of course, Muller does seem to think that some kind of rescue may yet be possible, but he admits

If I doze off Saab would disappear in an instant

If Muller is losing faith, and doesn’t even have a hairbrained scenario to hype, it seems that the end may well be near. But then, the whole rescue of Saab is beginning to be eclipsed by questions about Muller’s erstwhile partner, Vladimir Antonov, who was recently bailed out of British jail, where he was being held on charges of embezzlement and document forgery. But first, to the Muller interview…

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Our Daily Saab: Chapter 11 In The UK. Swedish Unions Going For The Kill

Saab’s supposed saviors in China have not sent any money (not that this is surprising). Saab’s other savior Vladimir Antonov is out on bail, had to surrender his passport and report with the coppers in West London three times a week. Which adds new revs on Saab swirling down the drain.

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Saab Officially Gives A Thumbs Up To GM Facebook Squatters

For more than two weeks, Saabhuggers have taken over GM’s Facebook page, plastering “Let Saab go!” all over the site. Yesterday, the occupation has been officially endorsed by Saab.

GM sources which requested anonymity, citing possible legal implications, mentioned to TTAC that the attacks have “all signs of a coordinated campaign.” That is putting it mildly.

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Our Daily Saab: No Salaries (Blame The Chinese). And A Duncecap For Saabsunited

It has become a tradition at the „iconic” Saab: For the sixth month in a row, former carmaker Saab can’t make payroll. Saab employees did read the familiar note on their website today that salaries are “delayed.” Their head of HR, Johan Formgren, told them that sadly, he cannot “confirm any exact date when the salaries will be paid.” Saab spokesman Eric Geers told the media that he also does not know when wages will be paid. And who is to blame? Victor Muller? Fugitive Valdimir Antonov? All-around-whipping post GM?

No way. It’s the Chinese.

In a text message cited by Göteborg Expressen, Victor Muller writes:

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Our Daily Saab: Antonov Wanted In Europe, Was Saab "Rescued" With Embezzled Cash?

If GM needed another reason to let Saab die on the vine, it just arrived: Vladimir Antonov, the Russian banking scion, longtime partner with Victor Muller in Spyker, and erstwhile Saab rescuer is wanted in connection with what the UK Press Association [via Google] calls

a pre-trial investigation into an alleged fraud and money laundering case that is threatening to destroy two Baltic banks.

Bertel noted earlier that Snoras, one of Antonov’s banks, had been forced to halt operations, but the issuing of a Europe-wide arrest warrant for Antonov is an even bigger black mark on the Russian financier. And it adds to an already-impressive family resume: Antonov’s father Alexander was shot seven times in a 2009 assassination attempt that has been connected to a Chechen blood feud, and the family has been accused of ties to organized crime by the FBI and Swedish authorities.

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Our Daily Saab: Hold On And Believe

The last attempt at saving Saab failed when GM said it would not supply or license technology to Saab if it were 100% owned by PangDa and Youngman, scuttling the Chinese firms’ bid for outright control of the company. Now the two firms have sent a revised proposal to The General in hopes that they can provide safeguards for intellectual property, allowing them to purchase Saab without losing the link to GM. After all, both the 9-3 and 9-5 rely on GM technology and parts, while the 9-4X is wholly supplied by GM. Rachel Pang of PangDa tells TTELA.se

We have not discussed any changes with regard to ownership structure. We are concentrated on the GM issue… It’s about more commercial terms. We want to meet them and have asked for a meeting. First we must give them time to review our proposal. We are waiting for GM’s response and then we will of course respect it.

Of course, our understanding is that “the GM issue” is the same as the ownership structure issue… and keep in mind, PangDa and Youngman are looking for a meeting, not an agreement from GM. Which means this could drag on a while… and wouldn’t you know it, it’s time for Saab to pay salaries again.

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Saab Lives! As The BAIC C70

While Saab in Sweden is in the emergency room with wires and drips attached, Saab will be back from the dead at the Guangzhou Auto Show. This is when BAIC will show what they have produced from the Saab tooling that they had bought at fire-sale-prices when Saab had gone bust before.

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Saab's Supposed Savior Antonov Debanked

Vladimir Antonov, the Russian “financier” who was feted by the acolytes of the zombie Saab as the second (after Victor Muller) coming of the dear Jesus, had his bank taken away from him.

More than $392 million of assets of Antonov-controlled Snoras Bank may be unaccounted for, central bank Governor Vitas Vasiliauskas told Bloomberg. Snoras’s operations were halted, and a state administrator was appointed by the Lithuanian government after the bank ignored recommendations to reduce its credit risk.

As a precautionary measure, government and bank traded accusations of felonious conduct. Reports Reuters:

“The government and central bank said they had found a risk of insolvency and possible criminality. The bank meanwhile has accused the government of ‘robbery’.”

Just to be sure, Swedish Radio mentions that “Antonov lent a large sum to Victor Muller which allowed Spyker to buy Saab.”

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Saabistas Occupy GM's Facebook Page

Say what you want about Saab fans, the guys have some dedication. At a time when most have finally accepted the fact that Saab is at the end of the line, Saab’s hard-core “dead-enders” are taking up their social media arms to rescue their beloved brand. After all they have a perfect opportunity: after months of wading through a quagmire, uncertain whether to support Victor Muller, Vladimir Antonov, or one of Saab’s Chinese suitors, all Saab fans can now rally against their old enemy, GM. Long blamed for Saab’s decline despite the fact that the brand’s peak sales came under its ownership, GM has long been the bête noire for Saabistas. And with GM now taking the wheel of Saab’s fate, Saab’s rabid fans have taken over GM’s Facebook wall, posting images of their favorite Saabs and demanding The General “let Saab go.” Will it be enough to convince GM to go against its carefully-crafted Chinese relationships and interests by giving Saab carte blanche to ship its technology wherever its new Chinese masters want? Don’t count on it. But for the moment GM has to sit through the online equivalent of an “Occupy” protest.

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  • ToolGuy I watched the video. Not sure those are real people.
  • ToolGuy "This car does mean a lot to me, so I care more about it going to a good home than I do about the final sale price."• This is exactly what my new vehicle dealership says.
  • Redapple2 4 Keys to a Safe, Modern, Prosperous Society1 Cheap Energy2 Meritocracy. The best person gets the job. Regardless.3 Free Speech. Fair and strong press.4 Law and Order. Do a crime. Get punished.One large group is damaging the above 4. The other party holds them as key. You are Iran or Zimbabwe without them.
  • Alan Where's Earnest? TX? NM? AR? Must be a new Tesla plant the Earnest plant.
  • Alan Change will occur and a sloppy transition to a more environmentally friendly society will occur. There will be plenty of screaming and kicking in the process.I don't know why certain individuals keep on touting that what is put forward will occur. It's all talk and BS, but the transition will occur eventually.This conversation is no different to union demands, does the union always get what they want, or a portion of their demands? Green ideas will be put forward to discuss and debate and an outcome will be had.Hydrogen is the only logical form of renewable energy to power transport in the future. Why? Like oil the materials to manufacture batteries is limited.