Kia K9 Renamed "Quoris" For Export Markets

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Kia has dropped the “K9” moniker for their upcoming flagship rear-drive sedan. Instead, they’ll be going with “Quoris” as the preferred nameplate. Here’s hoping that they come to their senses and think of something else for North America. Kia claims that the name comes from a combination of “core” and “quality”. It just looks vaguely avian to me.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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4 of 37 comments
  • Nick Nick on Jul 26, 2012

    From the front it reminds me of an Ewok.

  • Amac Amac on Jul 27, 2012

    This Quoris quandary has created much quibbling. The quorum involved in this quackery must quickly quash this queer and questionable name! I'm sorry, but I just can't keep quiet about this!

  • Shaker Shaker on Jul 27, 2012

    The new Queef... from Kia. From the purr of its engine to the fragrance of its interior, you'll be entranced. Settle into the warmth of the heated seat with the exclusive grasping side bolsters, and ride, ride, ride.

  • RRJ RRJ on Jul 27, 2012

    I like it. And if Chevy can have Cruze, then Quoris is just dandy.
