What's Wrong With This Picture: Stow 'N Go Edition

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Why do drug smugglers use Chrysler’s patented Stow ‘N Go storage system to smuggle $100k worth of marijuana across the Mexican border? Because they can. Or, because Wieden + Kennedy have another Caravan ad to make. But this is hardly the most entertaining shot from the LA Times’ gallery of “Bizarre Border Busts” [Hat Tip: Richard Chen]. No, you’ll have to hit the jump for that one…

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Robert.Walter Robert.Walter on Jun 09, 2010

    #10. Ford Super Duty w/ bales of weed in the back. "Ford Super Duty: - Bringin' home the bacon!" - Payload Re-defined!" - preferred by 4 out of 5 DEA agents!" BTW, one of the photos, perhaps #5, says woman behind side-panel ... this is incorrect ... look again, and you will see she was concealed between the IP and the firewall! (note the shifter in lower left of photo.)

  • Windswords Windswords on Jun 09, 2010

    "Why do drug smugglers use Chrysler’s patented Stow ‘N Go storage system to smuggle $100k worth of marijuana across the Mexican border?" Apparently not such a good idea since they got busted. (Wouldn't this be easy for a drug sniffing dog to locate?)

  • Tassos My 1991 accord was better than anything any other commenter could hope to drive between 1995 and 2016. I DONATED it when it was ready to be scrapped to show the ACTUALLY WEALTHY people in my area that, I too, can afford to give back to the community. IM AGAINST SOCIAL PROGRAMS THOUGH BECAUSE THEY HELP PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ME.
  • Tassos Yeah I’d buy this. Its condition is in line with my own failing cognitive and physical abilities.
  • Varezhka $35k, 184hp, and 25mpg EPA combined. With modern VW reliability and old school Hyundai level interior. I think I will take a CX-50, thank you very much.
  • Canam23 A good friend and his wife had one of these, and it ate them out of house and home. One major repair after another with no end in sight. I helped them unload it and put her in a Hyundai Vera Cruz, they put 200K miles on that with no problems.
  • Mister Unless you are a factory-trained Volkswagen technician, there is so much *nope* in this car that I don't even know where to begin.