Maybach: No Substitute For A Rolls Royce

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

To paraphrase Kurt Vonnegut, the Maybach experiment was a conspiracy between Daimler and the rich to make the rest of us feel smart. The ultimate zombie brand, exhumed during the go-go nineties as a way for Daimler to charge even more for a stretched S Class, has now fallen on troubled times. And now, according to the ever-trusty, none other than Mariah Carey has put the Maybach seemingly irrevocably in its place:

Initially a top class Mercedes complete with a chauffeur was sent to take Mariah to the studios, but this wasn’t deemed exclusive enough for a star of Mariah’s stature and was then replaced by a £250,000 Mercedes Maybach. However the Maybach limo was also rejected and then, third-time-lucky, a Rolls Royce Phantom was dispatched.

Of course the Phantom had to be “decorated with vinyl graphics of butterflies in a nod to the singer’s 1997 album entitled butterfly” before the divine Miss Carey would grace it with her presence, but that’s a topic for a more mental health-oriented forum. Ego-driven eccentricity aside, Mariah’s dismissal of the Maybach confirms Daimler’s failure to launch a Rolls-worthy competitor, an effort on which no expense was spared. It also raises the troubling question: will any brand be able to match Rolls at the pinnacle of the luxury sedan game? Maybach didn’t end up where it is because its vehicles are less competent, expensive or ostentatious than a Rolls. It even held some genuine cache amongst members of the music business for about two years. And then it just went flat. Mariah might not be able to explain why the Phantom stands alone at the top of the global luxury heap better than I can, but we both know it’s the truth. Anyone looking at going after the Phantom’s segment (hello, Bugatti Galibier and Tata’s branding graverobbers) should think long and hard about the reasons why.

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Kristjan Ambroz Kristjan Ambroz on Nov 19, 2009

    I agree that the primary problem is not the brand name but the product. Although I have to admit I found one Maybach particularly humorous - a couple of months ago I saw a firetruck red one with massive corporate logos of the stationery company Ryman in front of the Ivy in London. It was truly hilarious. Apart from the Grey Goose vodka Phantoms (and those were a lot harder to spot, well, the only real giveaway was their french racing blue colour scheme) are the only from the other side of the divide :)

  • Thinx Thinx on Jan 04, 2010

    I still remember how exciting the news of a Maybach revival by Mercedes was... until I saw what they actually did with it. An utterly cynical exercise which managed to be both bland AND garish at the same time. I had high hopes that a company like Daimler-BENZ, goddammit -- BENZ -- would present us with a technological tour-de-force to reckon with, instead of the marketing tour-de-farce that it turned out to be.

  • Golden2husky Glad it is on was a bad way to try to address the congestion issue.
  • Daniel J I was interested until it appears that this thing won't do 0-60 under 7 seconds. I get it, many folks don't need speed deamons, but c'mon. This thing is too slow for what they are asking for it. Mazda seems to be the only mainstream brand that seems to be trying when it comes to some performance in these larger suvs.
  • TheEndlessEnigma To answer the headline. No. I think a legal argument could be make that "congestion" pricing is nothing more than applying tolls to public roads with variable fees based on nothing more than Political Overlord whims and could, therefore, be considered unconstitutional as constraint of interstate trade and restricting movement of citizens.
  • Carsofchaos A lot of the congestion comes from what's been done to streets like 1st Avenue, which I drive on every day: This was once a four lane northbound avenue. Then a bus lane was created, so now we're down to 3 lanes. Then a seldom-used (other than at peak hours in the summer) bike lane was created, so now we're down to 2 lanes. Then you have delivery trucks who have lost their spot due to the bus/bike lanes, who now must double park to do deliveries. Now we're down to one lane. ONE. See the problem? Vacancy rates for office buildings still is at 30% (I know this because we are moving our office to a new location in Midtown and we were constantly seeing how many buildings had a plethora of empty office space), and Wokeul's congestion pricing would have made sure that number never gets better. And let's be honest, we all know the MTA would effff this up and still be broke anyway.
  • Redapple2 One of the last offerings of the Gladiator? It s being discontinued?