Rare Rides: The 1987 Nissan Be-1 - a Little Retro Ride

Today’s Rare Ride is a Nissan Be-1 from 1987. As the first of four Pike cars, it set the stage for the upcoming Pike cars and commanded immediate attention from consumers. Come along as we check out this hatchback cheerful economy car.

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Rare Rides: The 2015 Jaguar C-X75, as Seen in Spectre

Today’s Rare Ride is a fairly elaborate concept. A project that came a long way but was not to be, in a case of much ventured and little gained.

It’s the Jaguar C-X75, from 2015.

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Buy/Drive/Burn: Super Expensive Convertibles From 2001

The Buy/Drive/Burn series has been all about convertibles lately. We started with some $40,000 luxury entries from 2010, then upped the dollar figure with three more from 2009 that asked over $90,000 for the pleasure of their company.

Today we step back in time to the year 2001, and spend even more money. The cheapest drop-top here is over $120,000. Let’s go.

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Doug Drives: No, Your 'Rare' Car Isn't Going To Shoot Up In Value

I wish I had $100 for every time someone told me their rare car was going to shoot up in value. If I did, I would invest it in the stock market, which is something that actually might shoot up in value. Their rare car, of course, will stay behind, largely due to the old adage that just because something’s rare doesn’t mean it’s valuable.

I remember the first time someone told me their car was rare and so it would increase in value. I was in high school, and a classmate of mine had just bought a Jeep Liberty Freedom Edition, or some such bizarre Jeep special edition where they change the wheels and add two-tone seats in an attempt to get people to buy it.

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An Interesting Vehicle Delivered Daily To Your Inbox
TTAC reader Michael Banovsky has launched a new service that offers a novel promise: an interesting vehicle delivered daily to your inbox.
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  • FreedMike Your Ford AI instructor:
  • Jeff Good find I cannot remember when I last saw one of these but in the 70s they were all over the place.
  • CoastieLenn Could be a smart move though. Once the standard (that Tesla owns and designed) is set, Tesla bows out of the market while still owning the rights to the design. Other companies come in and purchase rights to use it, and Tesla can sit back and profit off the design without having to lay out capital to continue to build the network.
  • FreedMike "...it may also be true that they worry that the platform is influencing an entire generation with quick hits of liberal political thought and economic theory."Uh...have you been on TikTok lately? Plenty of FJB/MAGA stuff going on there.
  • AZFelix As a child I loved the look and feel of the 'woven' black vinyl seat inserts.