Progress, Thy Name is ZETA: New Electric Vehicle Lobbying Group Hits the Scene

Matt Posky
by Matt Posky

If you think the political class is interested in what kind of policies citizens would like to see implemented, you’ve clearly never heard of lobbying groups. While we’re stuck at home writing thoughtful letters to congressional interns in the faintest hope that they’ll be dictated to a senator, corporately supported lobbyists are taking legislators out to dinner so they can discuss how best to govern on a single issue. They’re important in determining the trajectory of the nation but many get criticized for placing the needs of the business over that of the individual voter.

Buckle up, because we’re getting another one. On Tuesday, the Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) held its own coming-out party and announced its mission to advocate for “national policies that will enable 100 [percent] electric vehicle sales throughout the light-, medium-, and heavy-duty sectors by 2030.”

While we’re not certain why everyone who desires EV supremacy has picked the years between 2030 and 2035 as the period when the internal combustion engine needs to be extinguished, it has been fairly consistent across the industry. Though it does extend beyond the automotive sector. The World Economic Forum recently illustrated plans to use COVID-19 to transition the whole world into larger governments aimed at shifting society toward ending property/vehicle ownership rights as a way to build a more sustainable future at the expense of growth. Dubbed the “ Great Reset Initiative,” the plan is effectively eco-communism and allows no room for vehicles that aren’t powered entirely by electricity. The targeted year of these sustainability goals just so happens to be 2030.

Similar timetables aside, the Zero Emission Transportation Association’s general ambitions also seem broadly compatible. In Tuesday’s announcement, ZETA acknowledged it would be prioritizing stringent emission laws and tax incentives that would encourage widespread EV adoption, investments into the charging infrastructure, and an aligned vision for electrification to be adhered to by all.

“For the first time in a generation, transportation is the leading emitter of U.S. carbon emissions. By embracing EVs, federal policymakers can help drive innovation, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and improve air quality and public health,” said Joe Britton, Executive Director of ZETA, in a prepared statement. “ZETA’s formation recognizes a pivotal moment for national leadership and reflects the will of the growing clean transportation sector.”

“The next decade will be critical in implementing federal policies that accelerate the transition to zero emissions vehicles and help address these problems head-on. The clean vehicle sector already boasts hundreds of thousands of jobs but, if we encourage its growth, the United States can decisively win the global race to develop a new clean transportation economy and employ hundreds of thousands of Americans right here at home.”

We’ve got questions about this. While we’ve often heard that pushing EVs would increase the number of modern, tech-focused jobs, it appears to come at the expense of factory positions. Electric cars don’t have as many moving parts, requiring less manpower and fewer suppliers. Daimler recently announced that it would be eliminating staff for that very reason — though we have a hunch that was also a cover for it spending way too much money on development. No matter, since the outcome remains largely the same.

An affiliated group called the ZETA Education Fund has launched in tandem with the association and will be focused on “educating the public on the environmental and social benefits and opportunities associated with broad EV adoption, will launch concurrently.” Founding ZETA members include 28 major corporations, including ABB, Albemarle Corporation, ChargePoint, ConEdision, EVBox, Lordstown Motors, Lucid Motors, PG&E Corporation, Proterra, Rivian, Siemens, SRP, Tesla, Vistra, Uber, and WAVE.

[Image: Welcomia/Shutterstock]

Matt Posky
Matt Posky

Consumer advocate tracking industry trends and regulations. Before joining TTAC, Matt spent a decade working for marketing and research firms based in NYC. Clients included several of the world’s largest automakers, global tire brands, and aftermarket part suppliers. Dissatisfied, he pivoted to writing about cars. Since then, he has become an ardent supporter of the right-to-repair movement, been interviewed about the automotive sector by national broadcasts, participated in a few amateur rallying events, and driven more rental cars than anyone ever should. Handy with a wrench, Matt grew up surrounded by Detroit auto workers and learned to drive by twelve. A contrarian, Matt claims to prefer understeer and motorcycles.

More by Matt Posky

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9 of 34 comments
  • Inside Looking Out Inside Looking Out on Nov 17, 2020

    Killing ICE is easy. It is already dying. No one in his right mind is going develop new IC engines. Powering airplanes with electricity is more tricky. Anything other than using microwave lasers to deliver energy doesn't come to my mind. And how to apply it to jets is beyond me. Only option I see is to ground all planes and force people to travel on electric trains and ships.

    • See 4 previous
    • Brett Woods Brett Woods on Nov 18, 2020

      @Luke42 Yes, that's it. Runway length, altitude, weight, and temperature are inter-related. And if Phoenix starts to get higher summer temperatures for a few weeks every year, planes won't stay grounded. First, the 2 pm flights can be changed to 2 am flights. After that, new and old planes can be certified or re-certified for a higher temperature. When it comes down to the planning session, it’s better not to giggle about this. We want to stay light on our feet.

  • Old_WRX Old_WRX on Nov 18, 2020

    "Dubbed the “Great Reset Initiative,” the plan is effectively eco-communism and allows no room for vehicles that aren’t powered entirely by electricity." It involves a lot more than that including almost complete destruction of life as we have known it. Very interesting. I've never seen the term "Great Reset" used anywhere other than on web sites that are the type that the MSM twits as being "conspiracy theory" or "fake news. The Great Reset has been mentioned for a while on such sites and the year given has been 2030. Some of the other things mentioned have also been coming out into the open lately. Maybe these conspiracy theorist know something. Can't be or CNN or the NYT would have told us...

    • See 1 previous
    • Old_WRX Old_WRX on Nov 18, 2020

      Luke42, "Eye roll." I know. I know. How could anyone be so silly as to question? I'm sure it is just the case that those sites in the process of random blathering happened to have info about the "Great Reset." You know like that famous room full of monkeys typing randomly? Yall need to wean your mind from the idea that everything you read in the MSM (biased towards your personal point of view, of course) is true. Or...whatever.

  • 28-Cars-Later "“The consumer needs to be educated. Those batteries are proving to have 12-, 15-year life cycles, and most of us don’t even hold a vehicle for 12 or 15 years.”" So reading between the lines, Mr. Trotsky has decided there will be no more used cars as we know them. Unless BEVs designs accommodate battery cell repair/replacement (or will in the near future), Our Not Social Betters have decided to bring Logan's Run to the auto industry. But keep cheering for them proles while they laugh.
  • AZFelix In other news, EV propagandists now recommend buyers only display 80% of their enthusiasm of buying an electric car in order to achieve their long term goal of transitioning to BEV only car sales.
  • 28-Cars-Later Unpossible. "most research shows that batteries should last more than a decade." More than a decade could be eleven years. Meanwhile three of mine are or are very close to being twice as old and still kicking. Beater life doesn't begin until 15 yo... guess we can't have those anymore Mr. Trotsky?
  • Ollicat “The consumer needs to be educated." I think he means, "The consumer needs to be brainwashed."
  • Jalop1991 Thank God it wasn't an EV. It'd still be burning.