QOTD: Ready to Go One-on-One?

Steph Willems
by Steph Willems
The setting: a dimly lit bar, which is the best kind of bar, and one that seems to have stepped out of another time. Old, overly varnished wood mingling with red faux leather on the chairs and booths, a stained glass lamp hanging over each corner nook, and a complete absence of daylight or identifiable exit. Are you even above ground? You can’t tell.A din registering somewhere between pleasant background murmur and raucous cacophony ensures reasonable privacy from the introvert population of this half-filled saloon. The drinks adorning tables and bartop are not mango mojitos, but brown liquors. Some with ice, most without. This is a place where long-lasting, healthy relationships are not kindled, but where more than a few businessmen have stopped in for a last drink before jumping off that overpass or going home to clean dad’s rifle. Maybe Deep Throat drank here. Maybe, somewhere out there in the brightly lit streets that may as well be a million miles away, three-piece suits and sideburns are back in vogue, and every car has an ashtray.As you ponder your surroundings, puzzled, disoriented, and more than a little intrigued, a figure moves towards your table.Somehow you just knew that a chance meeting would occur, but this is no simple random encounter. You’ve secretly, or not so secretly, desired this moment most of your life. You know the person.Tossing a coat over an empty chair, they join you at your table, snapping their fingers at the discreet-looking bartender and barking out a simple drink order that arrives in record time. You’re unnerved by their presence, but excited. As your newfound guest settles in, preparing for a long stay, their steely gaze fixes on you, eyes narrowing as they mentally size you up.And a question kicks it all off.“What would you like to know?”The person you’re drinking with is an auto industry executive, and it’s entirely likely they’ve returned from the dead in order to share a candid moment with you. It can be whomever you choose. Walter P. Chrysler, Henry Ford, John Z. DeLorean, Robert McNamara, Lee Iacocca, Bob Lutz (wait, this exercise is probably playing out in real time for him somewhere…), Mary Barra, or any one of the lesser execs throughout history who played a role in the ascendance — or downfall — of their company. It can be the creator of a certain model you covet so much. The designer of a unique engine, or sculptor of a car body you’ve lusted after since childhood.There’s plenty of stories to tell. So, whose brain have you always wanted to pick?[Image: Seller]
Steph Willems
Steph Willems

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  • Monkeydelmagico Monkeydelmagico on Jul 21, 2020

    Zora Duntov

  • ToolGuy ToolGuy on Jul 23, 2020

    Pass on the famous designers (they would be incredibly bored with me). Have figured out what I need to know about DeLorean, Iacocca, Lutz. Am increasingly convinced that if Alfred P. Sloan were still around in 2020, he would be working with his team of MBAs to reduce paint thickness. I would meet with William C. Durant - at his bowling alley.

  • ToolGuy One of those new federally-funded chargers is down the road from me and features 100% fusion energy and there were two of the new mail trucks charging there today along with two Cybertrucks (and an ICE VW with 400,000 miles on the odometer). Also a unicorn and two dragons talking with a leprechaun.
  • Michael S6 Hopefully the humongous windshield does not convergence the sunlight on the sitting duck driver.
  • SCE to AUX I don't know if I've seen one. Mail delivery vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, and they're all pretty invisible to me. Besides, they're competing with the Amazon, FedEx, and UPS trucks that go through my neighborhood several times a day.
  • SCE to AUX "there’s not a lot of evidence to suggest that all-electric vehicles are going to outpace traditional internal combustion models in popularity" With ICE market share falling and EV share gaining, I'd say there is evidence.
  • SCE to AUX I'd be very wary of a business plan built on a loophole that could be closed with an executive order. Just vertically integrate like Tesla did with the Gigafactory in Sparks, NV.