Some TTAC Stats
The Truth About Cars has come a long way since it had zero readers and zero page views. In the last however many years, we’ve gradually gathered a group of the autoblogosphere’s best and brightest. It is your patronage and engaged, informed and passionate commentary that has kept us honest, and made this site a success. As we prepare for a seminal moment in both the history of this url and the automotive industry, I’d like to offer you some stats on our current status. Not to toot our own horn; but as a thank you to all our “stakeholders.” The readers, writers, editors, investors and techies dedicated to telling the truth about cars. (Not to mention our advertisers.) Suffice it to say, those of us on this side of the WordPress platform will continue to do our level best to stay true to the TTAC brand: providing no-holds-barred automotive news, rants and reviews. [ Tweeting all the way.] At the risk of sounding ghoulish, the best is yet to come.
Number of Visitors per month: 624,492
Visits per month: 1,113,719
Page Views per month: 2,560,282
Avg. Time on Site: 3:36
Traffic from Search Engines: 53.60%
Direct Traffic: 30.56%
Referring Sites: 15.69%
Source: WordPress
Posts (not including this one): 9,792
No. of subscribers: 12,172
No. of comments: 251,869
No. of deleted spam comments: 43,373
More by Robert Farago
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I think that the most telling numbers are the direct traffic and no. of subscribers. It shows how many of us come to this site regularly, and that this is not just some site for random (and usually meaningless) car ratings.
Love the site! Checking out TTAC is one of my daily rituals. It keeps me informed about many things automotive. Thanks for what you do.
I frequently Googled onto the site, but now read it as standard fare. I think it's great. The quality of the comments is high too which deserves special mention. I'm in Canada and love that folks posting here come from all over the place, are well spoken and have a damn good sense of humour too. Here's hoping that we see more voices from up and coming economies like India as well because we're living through an incredible global disruption of the industry as we know it. and I hate Spam and Trolls...
I agree on the comments. This is one of the ONLY blogs I read the comments on, and I read 90%+ of them here.