What's Wrong With This Picture: Carmelo Anthony Edition

The exalted community of Panther-platform enthusiasts has a term for people who deliberately make their Crown Vics look like working undercover/plainclothes police cars: “wackers”.

You can’t call this fellow a “wacker”. “Wack”, on the other hand…

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  • Jrhurren I rented a RAV for a 12 day vacation with lots of driving. I walked away from the experience pretty unimpressed. Count me in with Team Honda. Never had a bad one yet
  • ToolGuy I don't deserve a vehicle like this.
  • SCE to AUX I see a new Murano to replace the low-volume Murano, and a new trim level for the Rogue. Yawn.
  • BlackEldo Why even offer a Murano? They have the Rogue and the Pathfinder. What differentiates the Murano? Fleet sales?
  • Jalop1991 Nissan is Readying a Slew of New Products to Boost Sales and ProfitabilitySo they're moving to lawn and garden equipment?