Lyft You Up: Rideshare IPO Could Mean Big Payday for GM

Matthew Guy
by Matthew Guy

Back in 2016, General Motors invested half a billion bucks in Lyft, the rideshare company bent on taking Uber to school. When the deal was made, the companies portrayed it as a long-term strategic alliance. Since then, investments have been made in Lyft by GM’s competitors (namely Ford), and GM has made investments in potential Lyft competitors like Cruise Automation. Pro tip: don’t try to draw this particular family tree.

Today, Lyft went public on the stock market, seeing an astounding open of $87.24 a share. As a gearhead, why should you care about this? Well, remember that investment GM made in the company? The General now owns 18.6 million shares, which now translates into a net value of over $1.5 billion.

In a company besieged by idling plants and layoffs, suddenly finding an extra billion-and-a-half bucks on the books is surely a big deal.

It’s not as if GM can make like a Vegas winner and immediately cash out, however. To my understanding, the company cannot sell its stock for a period of six months after the IPO. Given market and socioeconomic volatility, who knows what Lyft’s stock price will be this autumn. However, some back-of-napkin math reveals that the stock would have to fall to just $26.88 in order for it to be worth less than the $500 million General Motors invested in the company three years ago.

Lyft’s stock is sure to fluctuate wildly over the days and weeks ahead before settling in to something remotely resembling an even keel. Since its IPO this morning, the price has bounced around like a proverbial rubber ball, currently sitting at $80.62 as of this writing. Even if GM eventually sells off some or all of its shares, it is unlikely they’ll sever ties with Lyft entirely.

You know all this has to rankle the corner offices in the Glass House, as Ford’s stock price has been languishing under $10 for ages. So far as they’re concerned, they’ve been innovating and powering their way to a portfolio of desirable vehicles only to see Wall Street reward yet another start-up (ish) company with gonzo valuations. It must be frustrating. For its part, GM stock sits around $37 today.

Keep in mind that GM also has its corporate fingers in the pies called Maven and Cruise Automation, so trying to tease out Lyft’s role in the company’s future plans is like trying to untangle a ball of fishing line that’s been sitting in the bottom of a tackle box for months.

Beyond General Motors, companies like Google (12.8 million shares) and Fidelity (about the same investment as GM) also stand to make a few bucks from Lyft. One thing’s for sure – the line between traditional automakers and new mobility solution companies is quickly being erased.

[Image: Lyft]

Matthew Guy
Matthew Guy

Matthew buys, sells, fixes, & races cars. As a human index of auto & auction knowledge, he is fond of making money and offering loud opinions.

More by Matthew Guy

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  • Stuki Stuki on Mar 30, 2019

    Hence why the US as a leading place for manufacturing, and for productive enterprise in general, is by now merely an historical anecdote.

  • Civicjohn Civicjohn on Apr 01, 2019

    Well the stock lost 11% today, thanks Mary for not taking my advice, but I know $150 million is pocket change.

  • Jeff S Still an annual sales rate projected at 15.1 million is hardly a big drop in the market especially when you consider the average age of a vehicle on the road is 12.6 years and is up by 2 months from 2023 and continues to go up. Since 2020, more than 27 million passenger cars exited the US vehicle population, while just over 13 million new passenger cars were registered. At the same time, over 26 million light trucks (including utilities) were scrapped and nearly 45 million were registered. The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 3.12 million cars in 2023. That year, total car and light truck sales were approximately 15.5 million in the United States. U.S. vehicle sales peaked in 2016 at roughly 17.5 million units. Total sales of new, light-duty vehicles in the U.S. reached about 13.6 million units in 2022, while total used sales were just under 39 million units that year.
  • SCE to AUX My air impact wrench has sat idle since I got a battery-powered one. I'm mostly centered on the Kobalt ecosystem, and this tool is one of the best in my collection. Once in a while, I encounter a fastener that an impact (either battery or air) will not loosen, and that's when the breaker bar and extension pipe come out to do the job.
  • ToolGuy "Sadly, trade-in values have also declined." 👉️ This is not sad to me. (I mean, I don't think it is. Should I be sad about this?)
  • NJRide 15.1 is borderline normal recessionary. We have (somewhat artificially) stretched the lifespan to 19 plus years, but even with that replacement demand based on fleet size is 15 million plus conservatively 1 mil new drivers a year. So 16m without accounting for shortfalls in prior years. We would be doing almost 18m if lifespan dropped back to the 17 years pre-Covid plus new drivers.
  • Zerofoo The only manufacturers that come close to the price I would pay for a vehicle with BEV limitations are Chinese and I don't really want to buy any more Chinese products than I already do. So the answer, for now, is no to battery electric vehicles.