Walter P. Chrysler Museum Closes, But Did It Have To?

Ronnie Schreiber
by Ronnie Schreiber

Museums are among my favorite places in the world, but it was difficult to genuinely enjoy my last visit to the Walter P. Chrysler Museum on the Chrysler campus in Auburn Hills. That’s because it was indeed my last visit.

About 15 minutes after I left the museum on December 18th, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles closed it forever and began moving the vehicles to the Highland Park warehouse where Chrysler keeps its corporate car collection. The automaker has said the museum will be turned into office space.

It’s a shame FCA closed it; it’s a fine museum, particularly because of the many car companies, brands and nameplates in Chrysler’s history — including American Motors, going back to the original Rambler (which was produced by the Jeffery company at the turn of the last century).

A few months ago, the automaker announced the museum would be open to the public for a few more weekends before being turned into office space. That resulted in a surge in attendance, with 1,000 or more visitors arriving each day it was open. Normally, however, the museum — as good as it was — failed to attract large crowds.

My personal view is that as well curated and run as the WPC Museum was, it was never promoted properly. Across town, about two million people a year visit The Henry Ford complex, with many of them coming from out-of-town specifically to see the Driving America and Racing in America exhibits in the Henry Ford Museum. Offering discounted admission with a ticket stub from The Henry Ford could have drawn many of those car enthusiasts to the Auburn Hills museum.

There were some tourists on the last day, but the visitors seemed heavy with company employees and retirees. There was a bit of a funereal mood to the crowd. One employee who works at FCA headquarters was skeptical about the company’s stated plans for office space. He mentioned the address of a building FCA owns nearby that’s currently filled with unused office space (and is closer to the main headquarters building than the museum, which is literally on the back edge of the company’s property).

Ronnie Schreiber
Ronnie Schreiber

Ronnie Schreiber edits Cars In Depth, the original 3D car site.

More by Ronnie Schreiber

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  • Dukeisduke Dukeisduke on Dec 28, 2016

    Chrysler won't exist for forever anyway, with Sergio replacing Chrysler products with Fiat-powered crapwagons. When the whole thing collapses, someone else will come in and scoop up the Jeep brand. Even Ram won't have a reason to exist by then.

  • Johnster Johnster on Dec 29, 2016

    I think about the now gone Briggs Cunningham Museum in Costa Mesa, or the down-sized remnants of Harrah's Automotive Museum in Reno, or even gone Towe Ford collection in Deer Lodge, Montana and get depressed. It's like we can't have nice things in America anymore.

  • MaintenanceCosts If you're buying your car to drive on some of the longer tracks, or if you're going drag racing, with street driving on the side, then maybe a very high-power engine option like this is worthwhile for you. If you're buying your car to drive on the street, and don't drive on a track, it's hard to see the benefit. The envelope of a Z06 goes way beyond anything you need on the street and the additional capability of a ZR1 is not useful at all.
  • MaintenanceCosts Thanks to a combination of aging product and its CEO's erratic and often embarrassing conduct, Tesla's brand has gone from "can do no wrong" to "the embarrassing thing you have to put up with to have an affordable EV." People are accordingly less forgiving.
  • Jalop1991 Great question. Why not make a track-only car. I'm sure some would say, they want the ability to drive the car to the track. But this brings up another thought: I keep hearing, right here even, about how "EVs are so much better, they're silent on the road, and they have INSTANT POWER and huge acceleration". Do we need EVs to behave that way any more than we need 1000 bhp road cars? Do we need to put go pedal behavior like that under the feet of new drivers? Of your mother? Of 35 year old Tiffany as she stares at her iPhone in traffic?
  • Kars they won't be bringing Junior to America - they won't be around long enough
  • Master Baiter Not if you are powering a container ship.