UAW Local Publishes Spring Hill Scab List

Cameron Aubernon
by Cameron Aubernon

Over 40 workers at the General Motors facility in Spring Hill, Tenn. recently found themselves on a list of “scab workers” published by United Auto Workers Local 1853, a list one anonymous employee says kicked-off an effort to pressure and intimidate into joining.

The Washington Free Beacon reports the list notes not only the names of the 40 workers employed at Spring Hill, but where on the floor each worker performed their task. The list also included the following call to arms:

The following individuals are NON-dues paying workers. They have chosen to STOP paying Union Dues and still reap the rewards of your negotiated benefits. If you work near one of these people listed please explain the importance of Solidarity and the power of collective bargaining.

Soon after, the anonymous employee said they were approached by three UAW members, two of whom were openly hostile, one going so far as to call the employee a scab to their face. The employee was a member until recently, having paid dues to the union for three decades before quitting due to the UAW’s predilection toward nepotism, and defending employees who would have otherwise been fired if the union weren’t there. Being on the list has all but guaranteed the employee won’t ever return, and has a warning for those at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga:

What they do behind the scenes is harass non-members, those who choose not to belong. The workers [in Chattanooga] can look forward to seeing their names on a list just like this one.

Local 1853 president Tim Stannard admitted to publishing the list, but claims it wasn’t meant to put the hammer down on non-union employees, but to “explain the importance of collective bargaining and solidarity,” adding that those who aren’t members “weakens” the union overall.

Meanwhile, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorney Glenn Taubmann countered the president’s assertion. He warns that employees working at the VW plant who go against the UAW could soon find themselves on a similar list, especially with the establishment of so-called “voluntary” locals springing up nearby and in Alabama, where the union is attempting to organize the Mercedes plant in Vance.

Cameron Aubernon
Cameron Aubernon

Seattle-based writer, blogger, and photographer for many a publication. Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.

More by Cameron Aubernon

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  • Arthur Dailey Arthur Dailey on Oct 16, 2014

    Roadster, I posted a rebuttal to your comments that unfortunately must have got caught in the spam filter. 1) Canada is much larger geographically than the U.S., not 'tiny'. 2) Do you mean by population? Well Toronto is considered as one of the most diverse communities in the world (and is the 4th largest by population in North America). Also historically 10% of the Canadian population is Francophone. And Canada has very large Asian (Chinese, Indian and Sri Lankan) and Caribbean populations. Also a very large aboriginal community. 3) Canada follows a federal form of government. Provincial powers are enumerated in the Constitution and laws very from province to province. One province (Quebec) has even held its own referendums on whether or not to leave the federation. I believe that when this occurred in the U.S. the federal government imposed it rights. 4) Where you got "Each state was conceived as a small laboratory of democracy" is beyond me? The original U.S. constitution (the Articles of Confederation) was re-written to ensure federal powers. Thanks however for the reference to 'Beck Rights'. Agency fees appear to be the American comparable to our Rand Formula. As unionization is based on collectivity, any weakening of collective action will result in weaker unions and therefore less compelling reasons to join a union.

    • See 8 previous
    • Landcrusher Landcrusher on Oct 16, 2014

      @Roader Here is a source for Mr. Daily. From Part of the answer may lie in international differences in the registration of babies with an extremely low birth weight or countries’ classifications of births as live births or stillbirths. Some researchers suggest that comparisons between countries should therefore be interpreted with caution.6 A European report on perinatal indicators, for example, noted a wide variation in how European countries define infant mortality, due to differences in birth and death registration practices (that is, differences in the cut-off points for acceptable weight or estimated gestation period to be registered as a birth and subsequent death).7 This discrepancy can lead to under-reporting of infant deaths by some countries, particularly when compared with countries that use a broader definition for live birth. The international discrepancies in data may have existed for some time, but they have been overlooked because of much higher infant mortality rates. Now that rates are so much lower, however, differences in registration may be more important in explaining inter-country differences in infant mortality.8

  • Arthur Dailey Arthur Dailey on Oct 24, 2014

    1) Landcrusher, I will refer you to Dr. Daniel Martin's comments. Look them up. The U.S. is the model for how not to provide health care. All other 1st world nations provide a form of national coverage for all citizens. 2) Roader, your comments regarding finding Europe boring I can only believe that reveals your parochialism. So many cultures and so much history within easy driving distance! As for Canada being homogeneous and easy to govern, history and demographics prove that statement completely incorrect. 3) As for Quebecers not being an ethnic minority. They have elected provincial governments and federal Members of Parliament whose primary goal was/is to separate from Canada. They operate under a different set of laws (Civil Code) than the rest of the country and all business and commerce must by law be conducted in French. They also had a group which conducted terrorist bombings, kidnappings and killings which eventually resulted in the military being called into the streets of their largest cities. The USA has not had anything approaching that since Lincoln put down the Confederacy.
