Travel Back To 1967 As A Porsche Engineer Tackles The Ring In A Mercedes Sedan

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

A series of incredible photos have been unearthed, showing what is believed to be a Porsche engineer wringing out a Mercedes sedan on the Nurburgring.

Imgur user Rexhardwick writes that the photos are

“A set of kodachromes shot by a Porsche engineer as he took a mercedes sedan around the Nurburgring in 1967. Descriptions are transcribed directly from the notes on the original slides. I’ve acquired his life’s work as a photographer and I am looking for any information about this man.”

It’s startling to think that these photos were taken by hand while driving the ‘Ring, which was even more deadly in the pre-Lauda crash era than today. The changes and improvements made in the name of safety are evident in the sparseness of the track’s landscape, and the lack of familiar devices like Armco barrier and fencing.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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4 of 32 comments
  • Replica Replica on Apr 08, 2014

    GoPro - circa 1967

  • Segfault Segfault on Apr 08, 2014

    Wow, great shot of the infamous corkscrew turn. Anyone know what the uphill turnoff is (where there appear to be a couple of cars lined up)?

    • See 1 previous
    • Vega Vega on Apr 09, 2014

      That is the Steilstrecke, a shortcut for the Karussell. The picture was taken at the right hander immediately before the Karussell.

  • Lorenzo Ive seen a couple, and if you're about to cross when they go by, and you're over about 5'7", step back, or that side mirror will smack you in the head.
  • Lorenzo I can't say I'm a fanatic, but I wish those photogs would go through some old comic books for those spy lenses that can see under people's clothes and use them to see under the car wraps.
  • SilverBullett 100% - I feel there is less of it now published than their used to be. Maybe the manufacturers are getting better at disguising.
  • The Oracle The problem with the USPS is that most of what they deliver is unwanted junk and bulk mail.
  • Paul Alexander This seems kinda spicy, don't you think Tim? Going to spark a lot of debat...ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz