Move Over Maybach Music, It's Brand P's Time To Shine

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Rick Ross, the gastric bypass candidate best known for songs like “Maybach Music” and “Aston Martin Music”, has debuted another video for his latest album “God Forgives, I Don’t” – simply called “911”.

After downloading the album last week, I scanned through the track list, and feared that the song title had some relation to September 11th, and that Ross would use it as a metaphor for crushing his rivals in the drug game (even though Ross was a prison guard before becoming a rapper).

Not so. The song is about the ubiquitous Porsche 911, which never really caught on with rappers until the start of this decade. The video doesn’t quite look like an exercise in product placement. The production values suggest a low-budget shoot with a Canon 5D MK II, and it’s hard to imagine Porsche wanting, or needing, to tie themselves up with someone like Ricky Rozay.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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  • Raphael Orlove Raphael Orlove on Aug 09, 2012

    Rick Ross does have a bit of history in defining cool car trends. I can't remember seeing a Bangle BMW with such prominence in rap before his white 7-series in Hustlin'. I see them all over the place now. Gucci never put out a video for "745," did he?

  • Youngjed1 Youngjed1 on Aug 09, 2012

    I'm surprised he can fit in a 911

  • Syke Syke on Aug 09, 2012

    This 'music' makes we want to go back to a time when popular music had lyrics, harmony, beauty and talent . . . . . . like the Sex Pistols. Compared to this crap, Johnny Rotten comes off as the second son of Franz Lizt.

  • Alwaysinthecar Alwaysinthecar on Aug 09, 2012

    I think I just heard Ferdinand roll over in his grave.
