Consumer Reports Fisker Karma Breaks In Driveway

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Consumer Reports recently bought a Fisker Karma, which ended up breaking down in the driveway of their vehicle testing facility.

The car didn’t quite “brick”, but it was rendered immobile, and had to be towed away on a flatbed. We’ll be keeping an eye on what transpires. Maybe it will re-start once Fisker’s DoE loans get re-instated.

According to CR, the Karma lasted a mere 180 miles before dying. CR says that they will continue testing the car and that the defect won’t affect reliability scores, which are based on owner feedback.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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5 of 81 comments
  • Damikco Damikco on Mar 09, 2012

    Where is the Toyota recall news?

  • Volt 230 Volt 230 on Mar 09, 2012

    I'm sure glad they're not getting into the aerospace business!

  • Jpolicke Jpolicke on Mar 09, 2012

    No big deal, nothing another half a billion Obamabucks can't fix. It'd be a lot easier to return to the factory if it was in Delaware as promised & not in FINLAND!

  • Shaker Shaker on Mar 10, 2012

    Any moves towards energy independence are simply prudent as a national security concern, rather than funding (as Ron Paul might say), "endless war" that the oil companies would infinitely prefer.

    • Joeaverage Joeaverage on Mar 12, 2012

      Yep - warfare sure burns up alot of fuel... Noticed in the headlines that as America withdraws from Iraq, the oil fields remain controlled by Western oil companies.
