UAW: The War On Transplants Is Still On, Dealers On The Front Lines

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

With a tough negotiating session with its traditional employers now complete, the United Auto Workers are turning their focus back to the year’s primary goal: organizing the transplant factories. 2011 was supposed to be the year in which the UAW took down “at least one” foreign-owned auto plant, with the union’s boss even going as far as to say

If we don’t organize the transnationals, I don’t think there is a long-term future for the UAW

But as we found, the UAW is not welcome in the South, where most of the transplant factories are found. And with Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and VW all rejecting the UAW’s advances in some form or another, the union’s options are fairly limited. So instead of taking on the factories directly, the UAW is bringing back a questionable tactic from the days when it was misleadingly bashing Toyota for “abandoning” the NUMMI factory: they are taking the fight to dealerships.

Bloomberg reports

The United Auto Workers union, whose leader has staked its future bargaining power on organizing U.S. plants of Asian and European automakers, plans to start pressuring the companies through dealership campaigns.

Regional UAW representatives trained members about how the campaign will work at UAW Local 2209 on Nov. 19, said Mark Gevaart, president of the local in Roanoke, Indiana. The union hasn’t selected the automaker it will target and didn’t discuss when the drive will begin, he said in a phone interview.

The problem: as mentioned earlier, the UAW has already tried this on Toyota. And at the time, Toyota fired back with a pretty legitimate complaint, arguing

I still don’t understand why they are picketing our dealerships when the dealerships have nothing to do with the workers. Our workers make the ultimate decision if they want to unionize or not and for the past 25 years they have said no… Our team members want to make cars for people to buy. They don’t like it when people try to stop you from buying.

And here’s the funny part: the UAW has admitted that the dealership-picketing tactic didn’t help its cause, as President Bob King put it when he called off the last round of Toyota dealer protests

We said we were going to be the UAW of the 21st century and didn’t feel like that was accomplishing that goal

But hey, why not try it again? What’s the worst that could happen?

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

More by Edward Niedermeyer

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4 of 59 comments
  • Indi500fan Indi500fan on Nov 21, 2011

    I'd say union affiliated manufacture might be a positive for 10% of buyers (primarily in great lakes states), a negative for 30% of buyers (anti-union and/or bailouts), and a non-event for the rest. This is definitely a losing card for the UAW to play.

    • Highdesertcat Highdesertcat on Nov 21, 2011

      The UAW is not known for its braintrust. ANY union that drives its employer into bankruptcy deserves exactly what they collectively bargained for. I say let the buyers decide what products to buy. My bet is that the buyers will decide to buy the best products out in the market place regardless of who builds them. If the past is any indication of what the future will be like, the transplants will continue to outsell the domestics in sedans and Ford will lead the pack in trucks.

  • Wsn Wsn on Nov 22, 2011

    If UAW really cared about the welfare of auto workers, they should establish new membership base in China. It's a perfect match. UAW needs the membership growth, and the Chinese workers can use better working conditions.

    • GarbageMotorsCo. GarbageMotorsCo. on Nov 22, 2011

      +1 That is a brilliant idea. I'll never forgive my 2 union built GM trucks. Pure junk. Give me a Texas built Tundra anyday.

  • ToolGuy One of those new federally-funded chargers is down the road from me and features 100% fusion energy and there were two of the new mail trucks charging there today along with two Cybertrucks (and an ICE VW with 400,000 miles on the odometer). Also a unicorn and two dragons talking with a leprechaun.
  • Michael S6 Hopefully the humongous windshield does not convergence the sunlight on the sitting duck driver.
  • SCE to AUX I don't know if I've seen one. Mail delivery vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, and they're all pretty invisible to me. Besides, they're competing with the Amazon, FedEx, and UPS trucks that go through my neighborhood several times a day.
  • SCE to AUX "there’s not a lot of evidence to suggest that all-electric vehicles are going to outpace traditional internal combustion models in popularity" With ICE market share falling and EV share gaining, I'd say there is evidence.
  • SCE to AUX I'd be very wary of a business plan built on a loophole that could be closed with an executive order. Just vertically integrate like Tesla did with the Gigafactory in Sparks, NV.