Read My Review Of "American Wheels Chinese Roads" At The Wall Street Journal
Edward Niedermeyer
(IC: employee)
Updated: February 23rd, 2023
As promised yesterday, my review of Michael Dunne’s American Wheels Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China is now live at the Wall Street Journal website [sub] as well as today’s print edition. Be sure to pick up a copy and stay tuned for TTAC’s own review of this important book, by our man in China, Bertel Schmitt.
Edward Niedermeyer
More by Edward Niedermeyer
Published August 17th, 2011 12:53 PM
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I enjoyed reading your well-written article. One thing though - At times, it's not clear whether some of the points in your review came from the book, or from your own knowledge of the auto industry. It's as if you were talking about GM's venture into China rather than reviewing what Dunne wrote.
Congratulations on your article! I haven't read it yet but will soon.
So Edward, does the ad department at WSJ know about Panther Love? Your review is on page A13 and there is a full-page ad featuring a TC hearse on A16.
"as Mr. Dunne explains in engagingly lucid prose" Something I will never be accused of as I mingle with myself alone in my shanty atop the Ozark Plateau pondering the perplexities of crock pot cooking and wondering why Wienerschnitzel shuns this areas along with Del taco yet Taco Bell runs amok akin to the swarms of bugs feasting upon the roadkill the hillbillies have not harvested; yet. And I miss the fare from Nation's Giant Hamburgers strategically located throughout the east 'Frisco bay area and now as far inland of the uber-suburb of Tracy, California not far from Altamont Pass where all those giant fans propel cooling bay area breezes into the HOT arid semi-desert of the central valley area where the Coot once toiled alongside migrant workers doing the chores putrid politicians proclaim USA citizens will not perform. But the FRESH apricots, peaches and other fare eaten while picked enlightened the Coot as to the utter disgust of the fruit quality sold in the grocery stores of the majority of the USA's food outlets. What was this article about? Oh, right, an article. Maybe A Coot Comment article will grace a mainstream magazine before I gasp, clutch my chest and collapse while gulping for that one last inhale of now-unneeded oxygen required to maintain the life sustaining carbon-oxygen "furnace" that allowed the official Coot Carcass to exist. And will the pervasive packs of bugs feast upon me before the stench calls out for explorers to follow their noses to find the source of that gawd-awful stench the heathen neighbors can smell above their odor-spewing vile spawn known as kids. Carry on.