Housekeeping: Check Out TTAC In Tomorrow's Wall Street Journal

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Believe it or not, dear readers, but every once in a while I’m able to take a break from my grueling routine here at TTAC and contribute to another publication. Not often, mind you, as I’ve written an average of four stories per day seven days per week in the three and a half years I’ve been writing for TTAC, but every now and then. Anyway, tomorrow is just such a time, as my review of American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China will be featured in tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal.

The book itself is fascinating and a fantastic introduction to the Chinese auto business… and it even led me to dig into the GM-SAIC relationship, which in turn led me to this story. But if you don’t have a WSJ subscription and you can’t find a paper copy, fear not: an even more in-depth review of the book will be published here at TTAC, written by our own in-house China expert, Bertel Schmitt. So stay tuned for that, and in the meantime get your TTAC-in-the-MSM fix by checking out Davey G. Johnson’s C&D piece on a road trip in a Mercedes 6.9 that he borrowed from the infamous Doctor V8, also known as Sanjay Mehta, brother of our own Sajeev Mehta and recent Bugatti Veyron road tester for TTAC. Plus, there’s another TTAC-meets-the-big-time-media story coming down the line, so be on the look out for that. For a teensy little family blog, we sure do get around!

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

More by Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Buickman Buickman on Aug 16, 2011

    I'm sure you'll have done us proud.

  • Willman Willman on Aug 16, 2011

    Well Done Ed!!!

  • Bryce Bryce on Aug 17, 2011

    WSj isnt that a Mubdoch rag well done Ed your piece should improve that publication no end

  • Jsal56 Jsal56 on Aug 17, 2011

    OK, OK fine, I will leave the WSJ alone-I just wanted to remind everybody what they say about newspapers: "everything you read in a newspaper is correct until you read an article on a subject you know something about"
