Wild-Ass Rumor Of The Day: Lutz Headed Back To GM?
The Daily Beast reports:
As General Motors Co. gets closer to emerging from government oversight, the automaker is trying to hire Bob Lutz, its former chief of vehicle development, as a consultant…
The U.S. Treasury has opposed Lutz’s appointment on the grounds that, since he left the company last May, paying him so close to his retirement could look like a sweetheart payout. The government could soften its opposition in three months, once a year has passed since Lutz’s retirement.Could it be true? Could the man credited with all of GM’s success and none of its failures really be coming back for more? More to the point, as a consultant? Bob’s current gigs are advising an electric scooter company and the Lotus “revival”… does GM really want to put itself in that company? Oh, who are we kidding? We want Lutz back. The industry just seems so damn boring without him…
More by Edward Niedermeyer
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If Maximum Bob is back, can Rabid Rick be far behind?
This is GM, once more, trying to live in the past. If they're betting the future on a near-octogenarian former executive - it's beyond lost. I don't share the dislike of Lutz. He was, in my view, a flawed but brilliant executive that served all the companies he worked for, well in turn. Chrysler, especially, benefited from his input during their years on a roll in the 1990s. But he's old, with all the baggage that entails. Lee Iacocca isn't coming back to resuscitate Chrysler. And Lutz won't be able to do much for GM that hasn't been done already. Both were brilliant in their own way; both were flawed; and as both got older, their flaws overshadowed their brilliance.
Put a muzzle on him this time.
Somewhere, the one-handed typists @ GM Inside News are wiping off their keyboards/monitors, and Global Insight's Rebecca Lindland is changing her underwear.