Arizona Redflex Speed Cameras Come Down This Week
According to, Arizona’s controversial freeway speed cameras will come down this week, as a result of governor Jan Brewer’s decision to not renew the state’s contract with Redflex. In addition to public opposition to the cameras, a lack of revenue flowing to the state appears to have been a factor in the decision to shut down the cameras. Apparently, the cameras generated over 7,000 tickets in their first year of operations, but because so many motorists simply ignored the tickets and the state didn’t have enough process servers, only about $30m of the estimated $90m in fines that should have been generated by those tickets was actually paid to the state. Arizona’s freeway speed cameras should be deactivated by this Friday.
More by Edward Niedermeyer
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SCORE 1 FOR THE PEOPLE !!! Anybody saw the "PROPER" way to cut down a traffic camera?
"lack of revenue flowing to the state appears to have been a factor" And that is the worst part of it... If they had been making money, then they would still be up writing taxes, or err, tickets.
At last, some positive news out of Arizona!!
Another reason I will be spending my vacation dollars in AZ this year.