What's Wrong With This Video?: Just Slap a Volt in There Edition

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Hat Tip: GM re:tardation

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

More by Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Djn Djn on Jun 29, 2009

    I actually rented one of these from Budget at LAX and drove it on the 405 to Torrance. I got concerned about the rapid batter drain and how to get it recharged so I swapped it for a normal rental car. Cool looking, drove great, but its low the ground profile was a little scary in heavy traffic on the 405.

  • Lw Lw on Jun 30, 2009

    The gmev.com website at the end still works.. Reroutes to the Chevy Volt page.. I'm impressed. I was expecting a great lease offer on an EV-1 at the site.

  • Cleek Cleek on Jun 30, 2009
    joeaverage : June 29th, 2009 at 5:45 pm Had they sold them - I mean actually put a pricetag on them - they would have had plenty of buyers. Lots of people wanted these cars and GM crushed them instead. Toyota SOLD their electric RAV4-EV at the end. They had started with a leasing program and in the end SOLD them. So did Ford. They SOLD the Ranger-EV. There is a RAV4-EV on Ebay right now. Will prob go for about $50K with 90K miles on it Note that common denominator of all of the EVA programs is that they came to halt. Disposition of the leavings is an artifact of the respective corporate cultures, not a conspiracy as some would claim. Clearly there was/is a market for these mules -- albeit at the scrap price. I believe that Ford simply signed the EV-Rangers over to the owners with a release from any and all liability.
  • Savuporo Savuporo on Jul 02, 2009

    So what exactly has been changed since http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_EV1#EV1_series_hybrid ? They quit tinkering around with turbines and stirlings and slap a piston generator in it. Thats all. Oh, and changing the battery from proven cheapish NiMH to unproven LiFePO4 as well. And this takes them 2011-1998, 13 years ??
