TTAC Crests 1m Visits Per Month

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago

According to Google Analytics, has bested the 1 million unique visits per month threshold by 819 visits. Although we’ll dip back down below the mark as our average gets dinged by the weekend fall off, huzzah! We achieved this milestone via 562,744 readers generating 2.28 pages per stop-on-by, racking-up 2,285,492 monthly page views. (Despite the picture, I trust we’re piqued, rather than peaked.) Not bad for a website that began life six years or so ago with zero visitors and no page views. Anyway, it’s not all about agglomerating eyeballs. Our average time on site stat (a.k.a. “stickiness”) clocks-in at 3:29. And we have 11,569 subscribers to our New Content Notification System—who don’t flip out when I send multiple email alerts by mistake. And there’s my real source of pride: TTAC’s engaged, alert, informed and passionate community of writers and readers. It’s you who “own” the TTAC brand of no-holds-barred rants, reviews and blogs. In the upcoming weeks, I will perform my duties with due diligence, protecting my many masters, knowing that positive changes are afoot. Until then, thanks to all of you for reading—and telling—the truth about cars.

Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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4 of 14 comments
  • Lemmiwinks Lemmiwinks on Apr 09, 2009

    Huzzah indeed. Awesome.

  • Theflyersfan Theflyersfan on Apr 09, 2009

    Best auto site on the web. It has to be a labor of love with all of the time and energy needed to keep this going but it's worth it! You've stayed on your mission path and it shows. Thanks goes to all the researchers that go into the Death/Suicide Watch's great to see some insider info! And thanks also goes to everyone who contributes to these entries - it's refreshing to have an actual intelligent auto discussion with everyone and to not have it turn into a boring and pointless flame war and 10 pages of "You're you're suck" posts. 1,000,000/month. Nice...

  • Wytshus Wytshus on Apr 09, 2009

    Great Job. Great Site. Great Insights!

  • Pig_Iron Pig_Iron on Apr 09, 2009

    Congrat's on the fruit of your labors.
