Barack Obama Doesn't Heart Transplants

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Reclusive_in_nature Reclusive_in_nature on Sep 26, 2008

    I bet there's some uber left leaning individuals (who hate American cars only because they're American cars and have no other reason) who's heads exploded after seeing that commercial. At the very least the conflicting notions caused some of them to have strokes.

  • Shaker Shaker on Sep 26, 2008

    Yes, some of the ads "approved" by either candidate are actually approved by the campaign; they're trying to match each other tit-for-tat for "over the line" ads. I'm sure that both candidates are too busy to do anything other than "rubber stamp" ads that they've likely never seen beforehand. "Doesn't heart transplants..." You clever devils, you! I had to watch the vid to see the connection...

  • Ra_pro Ra_pro on Sep 26, 2008

    Redbarchetta, Perhaps you failed to notice that since last week you live in one of the biggest socialist countries in the world right up there with China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela (by market cap maybe even the beiggest). So don't forget to vote McCain to overtake China and take the top spot; McCain being the official successor to the crypto-socialist Bush.

  • Psarhjinian Psarhjinian on Sep 26, 2008
    Perhaps you failed to notice that since last week you live in one of the biggest socialist countries in the world right up there with China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela (by market cap maybe even the beiggest). As an actual socialist, I find this statement funny, incensing and tragically ironic all at the same time.