Silicon Valley Eggheads Have a Prius Engagement
We repeat: the Toyota Prius is the official car of the intellectually superior. According to, after trailing Camry, Corolla, Accord, and Civic in Santa Clara County in California's Silicon Valley last year, Prius has outsold all four through May of this year. Ron Diridon, executive director of the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University and himself a Prius militant owner, shows no lack of hubris in his assessment of the situation: "The intellectual capacity within Silicon Valley is amazing. That higher level of education reflects a higher level of understanding of the terrible consequences of global warming." Intellectual superiority aside, the free pass to the carpool lane that was available for Prius drivers, the outrageous price of gas in California and the fact you can now buy a Prius for less than sticker had a bit to do with it as well.
More by Frank Williams
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I like KixStart's perspective. When I see a Prius, I think, "That person made a thoughtful choice and an admirable statement." I'm not a Prius owner and would probably choose a Civic nonhybrid sedan over any hybrid. But those hybrid folks have certainly gotten the rest of us thinking, haven't they?
I think that the "hubris" useage has hit critical mass here --- I'll be happy to replace it with another (IMHO) apt description of why eggheads like the cars: GEEK COOL!
Driving a Prius is the same as driving a Hummer it says "I know nothing about vehicles, I take no joy in the driving experience, my car is a fashion accessory"