From The Land of the Rising Sun to Your Sun Visor: Clip-on Videocam

Megan Benoit
by Megan Benoit

A gaggle of gadget-related blogs are reporting that Japanese electronics stores are selling a clip-on camera for automotive sun visors. The camera's G-force detector starts the camera recording at the onset of sudden deceleration (e.g. braking to avoid smashing into someone's car or actually smashing into someone's car). The system provides up to 15 seconds of pre-accident and five seconds of post-accident footage. The camera is housed within a heavy-duty magnesium alloy casing, in the hopes that it will survive all but the worst of accidents. The clip-on cam can also record on demand, should you want to show your friends your [pre-crash?] shenanigans. At $412, a visorcam is a high price to pay to prove your innocence (depending)– but cheap compared to a lawsuit.

Megan Benoit
Megan Benoit

I'm a computer security geek raised in Nebraska and recently transplanted to Atlanta. I like me some cars, got into car geekery a few years ago and haven't looked back since. I also volunteer at a local ferret shelter and participate in various charity and fund-raising events related to that.

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  • Rpn453 Rpn453 on Jul 26, 2007

    I would like the police to have every piece of information possible available to them so I never get blamed for something that isn't my fault. This might help with some accidents, but not enough for me to buy it at that price. That said, it likely would have been of some assistance to the investigation of my head-on collision. Fortunately, I didn't have ABS so I left some serious skid marks showing exactly where my car was when the idiot hit me!

  • Ashy Larry Ashy Larry on Jul 26, 2007

    Interesting but ultimately way too scary. While it could be helpful in an accident in which you are the victim, if you make a mistake and there is some argument that you were at fault, why would you want this thing recording your screwup? I would definitely *not* want a video record if all the fingers are pointing at me, makes it much harder to defend myself. Those who think this is a great idea because it will record other people’s screwups are a bit overconfident — we all make mistakes. Why risk sealing your own conviction (or insurance payout) with this device?

  • Tomb Z Tomb Z on Jul 26, 2007

    Limo companies have installed similar but somewhat more sophisticated systems. One brand is DriveCam. Retail Q1 price is about $2000. It continually records, but it saves the data based on G-force events. It's better to know what happened in the period before and after the brakes are used or the vehicle is hit than just the aftermath.

  • RMG RMG on Jul 26, 2007

    "By the time you’ve crashed into something and triggered the record function it is probably too late to determine fault." It is always recording data, so information is in memory before the accident, and it just stops dropping old data upon the occurrence of the g-force event. From the article linked in the originating story: "It saves 15 seconds of footage in its buffer from right before the crash occurred, and an additional 5 seconds after impact."
