Sales Analysis Eye Candy: Market Segment Trends Charts
November Sales Snapshot: Large SUVs

Did you know Mercedes still sells the G-Wagen here? I’d kind of forgotten about it. But sixty-eight buyers hadn’t in November. But then I’ve never forgiven Mercedes for how they positioned it here as a gangsta’ mobile. It was/is the ultimate off-roader. Oh well. GM continues to dominate this market with their big boyz. Range Rover looks surprisingly healthy. Did Tata buy low? Details:

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  • ChristianWimmer Great first car for someone’s teenage daughter.
  • SCE to AUX Imagine the challenge of trying to sell the Ariya or the tired Leaf.
  • Offbeat Oddity I would have to test them out, but the Corolla might actually have a slight edge. I'd prefer the 2.0 in both cars, but to get one in a Civic with a decent amount of equipment, I'd be stuck with the Sport where the fuel economy suffers vs. the Corolla. If the Civic EX had a 2.0, it would be a much tougher decision.
  • User get rid of the four cylinders, technology is so advanced that a four litre V8 is possible.. and plausible.. cadillac had a serious problem detuning v8s in the past, now theyre over-revving the fours and it sounds horrible.. get rid of the bosses and put the engineers in the front seat..
  • BOF Not difficult: full-size body-on-frame sedan, V8, RWD, floaty land yachts. Unabashed comfort and presence. Big FWD Eldo too. While I’m at it, fix Buick much the same way just a little less ostentatious and include a large wagon w/3rd row.