Ligier Preparing Hardcore Sports Car for 50th Anniversary

Good golly. It sure seems like there’s a bunch of unnecessary high performance cars under development that pass well beyond the limits of most normal people’s purchasing power. Maybe it’s our imagination, but there appears to be some sort of performance car renaissance taking place at the moment.

Throw another one onto the pile. Ligier, a company you’ve probably never heard of unless you’re seriously into vintage Formula One, present-day Le Mans 24 Hours, or French mini cars, is developing a road-going sports car. While it should have an almost semi-reasonable price tag for a boutique model, it’s still going to be more expensive than most people want to pay. Also, like so many of these specialty cars, we’re not going to bet on it spending much time outside of Europe — which would be a tragedy, since this thing sounds absolutely incredible on paper.

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  • Redapple2 Toyota is knows what they are doing. You d be unwise to go in any other direction.1 they are usually correct2 basic game theory.
  • 1995 SC pulling 5000 pounds with a 2.5T 4 Cylinder sounds like it would be miserable.
  • MaintenanceCosts With an Iron Duke, these things were the best imaginable example of the old saw "a GM product will run badly longer than most cars will run."
  • Buickman remember "that's not a Buick"this time they are correct.
  • MaintenanceCosts There's nothing remotely recognizably Buick about this styling. If I looked at a picture of this car without any badges, I'd be confused, because I'd think it was a Hyundai but it's obviously not a Palisade.