• User This story fails to cite any regulation or trade journal to support the claim that a law suddenly prevented the sale of a product in a market.
  • 28-Cars-Later I have these archaic things called CDs.
  • Wjtinfwb If you've ever been a supplier to a Big 3 automaker, this is just another Thursday. Manufacturers use their clout to pressure suppliers to extract every nano-cent of profit possible and have that ability as they usually have a line of potential vendors waiting to take your place. It can be profitable business if you manage expenses very tightly and volume meets or exceeds expectations. But if it doesn't, like in a year with significant strike-caused production stoppages, profitability for the year is likely out the window.
  • Daniel J How's that working when these companies have to pay UAW workers more?
  • Crown Radio is permanently on SiriusXM, Deep Tracks.