Time to Bash TTAC

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago

Well, you know how it is. Every now and then we turn our anti-flaming rules off so that we can debate our editorial stance– or, more precisely, stances. In other words, if you wish to slam the site, this is the time and place to do it. That said, I will delete comments that stray over the line between you suck and here’s why and you suck you NSFW NSFW NSFW. To get things started, I’ve republished an email from a “fan” after the jump, with my answers to his main points. In any case, thanks for all your comments, which help make TTAC an island of semi-sensible discussion in a sea of inchoate insults.

“I’m still not able to post to TTAC….short of maybe getting a new e-mail address. BUT, that may be OK. At one point, the TTAC commentary on the Big3 amused me. But as time goes on, it appears to be more and more biased, specifically against GM, the company that I am a part of, and I have recently been reconsidering the impacts of TTAC commentary.

You often call others out on non-objective journalism, but I would like to ask you to look in the mirror. I applaud your mission to provide “Candid and unbiased auto reviews by industry experts”, as this allows consumers to make more informed choices when they make one of the more significant purchases in their life.

If, however, a customer is reading about a great new car that GM, Ford, Chrysler, or even Tesla are making, but the first editorial that pops up is slamming the company, culture and management…..don’t you believe that person will reconsider the strength of the review and their purchase decision.

Yes, I’m suggesting that the management editorials may be having more impact on customer choice than TTAC’s unbiased product reviews.

As I mentioned before, I am a part of GM, more specifically an Engineer in Product Development. I take a significant amount of pride in my job and the talent of my co-workers. There are many things that can be improved with the way we do business, and we all work to make those improvements every day.

The environment at work is NOTHING like quoted in one of your pieces. There is a major level of concern regarding all of our futures, but there is also a sense of hope and optimism that we will get to see the results of our hard work as successful products in the marketplace. I have yet to see people praying to get out or excessively stressed about their careers. What I have seen are people putting in longer hours, bonding together, and trying to make the best of a very difficult situation.

Your commitment and devotion to TTAC is very clear. I ask you to please consider:

1. What do you REALLY want TTAC to accomplish and stand for? How is it doing?

2. What kind of culture do you want to encourage? Criticism, support, or objectivity?

3. Is TTAC’s current stance truly un-biased, or is there a huge “I told you so” in the making?

4. How much are TTAC editorials affecting consumer choice? Are consumers really coming away from the site with unbiased information?

5. What kind of companies should the American People support? Companies that have for many years contributed technology, safety, financial support, and higher standards of living, to the betterment of our society? Or, should we support those that contribute in a more self-serving manner. The text below highlights this concern.

6. Are your words putting your neighbor (figuratively, not literally) out of work? Thank You for taking the time to consider another viewpoint.

My reply:

1. As a source for the truth about cars. You tell me. Oh wait…

2. Yes.

3. I’m not sure what “truly unbiased” means. Is it different from unbiased or not-so-unbiased? All I can say is that we– me, you, other writers and commentators– call it like we see it. We try to tell the truth as best we can– given the inherent limitations involved in that pursuit.

4. We must have some impact on consumer tastes– otherwise manufacturers wouldn’t be running ads on the site. Or, on occasion, giving us access to press cars. I’ve had around 50 emails from people who said they bought or didn’t buy a car based on our recommendations. Not a single complaint in that regards. Yet.

5. Americans should support companies by buying the goods and services that they want to purchase (as opposed to, I dunno, a taxpayer-funded bailout). As long as these companies adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, they’re OK with me.

6. My primary responsibility is to tell the truth about cars (and carmaking) to my readers. My second job: to provide a safe place for vigorous debate, so that TTAC’s Best and Brightest may share this freedom of speech in an atmosphere of mutual respect (with a bit of a kick to it, admittedly). My third… nope, that’s it.


Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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2 of 164 comments
  • Oldyak Oldyak on Dec 14, 2008

    Robert: Please don't change a thing! I was just a bystander until I started reading TTAC This is the FIRST forum I have ever got worked up enough to add my 2 cents to. And yes Ive gone overboard a couple of times...well maybe more than that but I keep coming back for a good chuckle or a RANT!! Yea you piss me off sometimes...But you make me laugh at least as much! and 'most often' you allow me to share my thought with a very special group of readers. thanks

  • Anonymous Anonymous on Dec 16, 2008

    Hey Steven Lang: I got tired of two things at Cartalk that are never a problem here. The horrible lack of quality of the site itself and the political bent of the non-automotive postings (what a surprise from NPR). Go to some of the classic car sites and you will get burnt out on the Demo bashing that goes on nearly unabated. About the best I can say for them is they let the random liberal flame back. Okay, I guess there were three things; I also got tired of the same old questions in the repair sections over and over again. I remember when Transman got married and pretty much dropped off. I dropped off shortly after that. Sorry, can't remember any of the other posters like yourself, though Bones and Buzzlightyear do sound familiar. I found this site while doing a search for info on the new Mazda6 in its first year of production and haven't left since.

  • ToolGuy "The mechanics at my local shop in West Seattle are all wishing they had room in their driveways to buy it and they say it has a lot of life."• Here is how you know your mechanic really wants to buy your vehicle: Your mechanic buys your vehicle.
  • ToolGuy I no longer listen to music while driving; I am all about the TTAC Podcast.
  • ToolGuy I predict this will do well. (And the upgraded hybrids to follow will do even better.)
  • Calrson Fan I predict this won't sell any better than the F150 Lightening. People with money to burn will buy it for the "hey look what I got" factor. They'll tire of it quickly once they have shown it to friends & family and then sell or trade in at a huge loss. It will be their first and last EV PU truck until the technology & charging infrastructure matures.
  • Carson D There is a story going around that a man who bought a new Tundra was contacted by his insurance company because his son's phone had paired with his infotainment system, and the insurance company added his son to his policy as a result. If Toyota is cooperating with insurance companies, one might think that they're doing so in order to get lower rates for their vehicles as a selling feature. Spying on your customers and ratting them out to insurance companies is not a selling feature. I know of one sale that it has already cost them.