Buying a Car For Your Ungrateful Teen? Here's a List

The thought of a parent spending any significant amount of money on a vehicle for their teen offspring leaves a bad taste in this writer’s mouth, but some families march to the beat of a different, more affluent drum. Yours truly believes a free hand-me-down wreck should be the absolute limit of parental generosity, and that’s only on the condition that they pay for all upkeep.

But loans from the Bank of Mom and Dad are definitely a thing, which gives them considerable say over what vehicle actually enters their kid’s life. With this in mind, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and Consumer Reports joined forces to craft a list of decently reliable, safe rides for parents on a budget.

Would your spawn be happy with any of these top choices?

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When Your Lamborghini Doesn't Hold All Your School Supplies…

That’s the sound of a sad trombone playing.

Dodgy offshore tax havens get a lot of press lately, but what about mass movements of capital to friendlier shores that hide in plain sight? The New York Times has a heartbreaking story today of young Chinese adults in Vancouver, Canada who just can’t figure out what to do with all that cash their fathers earned.

They do know one thing it’s good for: obscene quantities of ultra-high-end cars.

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Consumer Reports Has Tips If You're Buying Your Teen a Car for the Holidays

It’s never too late to snap up a last-minute gift for your teenager, such as a car. Consumer Reports has nifty practical advice for parents looking to make this Christmas one to remember for their teen — until next Christmas when you have top a friggin’ car.

For your teen’s first ride, according to Consumer Reports, avoid anything with a big engine (“Generally speaking, the ideal car for a teenager is a four-cylinder mid-sized sedan”), lots of numbers on the speedometer (“If too much speed is to be avoided, then it should be a no-brainer to avoid high-performance sports cars.”) or minivans (” … a carload of teens is not a recipe for safety.”)

There are other considerations, according to the report:

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  • Mgh57 Doesn't seem like this tech is ready for prime time.
  • Nathan The Ram is the most boring looking of the full size trucks, kind of like a Tundra.If they cancel the Ram Classic, I hope a full resign makes the Ram at least look interesting.
  • DJB1 I'll be all for it when it has a proven safety record. I have an awesome life and a lot to live for, so right now I'm not putting that in the hands of overconfident tech-bros.
  • Mgh57 I had to read the article because I had had no idea what the headline meant. I've never seen this in the Northeast. Don't understand the point. Doesn't seen efficient aerodynamically
  • MaintenanceCosts Depends on the record of the company developing them. If it’s got a record of prioritizing safety over years of development, I’ll be fine with it, and I’ll expect it to be less risky than typical idiot human drivers. If it’s a “move fast and break sh!t” outfit like Tesla or Uber, no way.