With Legal Weed Just Days Away, Canuck Cops Wonder How to Get Blood From a Stone(d Driver)

The large country just north of Cleveland will make it legal to buy and consume marijuana on October 17th, no doubt turning the air in this author’s neighborhood even skunkier that it already is.

With the lifting of prohibitive laws comes new driving-related legislation designed to crack down on stoned drivers and placate a somewhat nervous public. Problem is, law enforcement’s tool chest remains pretty bare. The one government-approved method available to cops to check if a driver is stoned — a saliva test — might not work if it’s cold out. Whoops.

Don’t worry, though — there’s always a blood test. It’s the only way to ensure the not-always-accurate saliva test returned a true reading, but there’s a big problem with that, too: time.

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License, Registration, and Saliva, Please: Critics Cry Foul Over 'DUID' Swab Test

As jurisdictions across the continent prepare to legalize the consumption of marijuana, assuming they haven’t already, the methods of testing for drug-impaired driving haven’t advanced quite as rapidly as legislation.

While breathalyzers are a mainstay of the law enforcement toolkit, getting an accurate reading of just how impaired a drug-using driver really is isn’t an exact science — despite some claims to the contrary. Blood tests for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, are often misleading. Actual impairment really comes down to the user, not the blood reading. A driver’s buzz could easily have worn off long before getting behind the wheel, despite the elevated presence of THC in their bloodstream.

Apparently, demands for better testing is something the Colorado Department of Transportation hears at meeting after meeting.

North of the border, the entire country of Canada goes weed-legal this fall, and the likely method of detecting DUID (driving under the influence of drugs) is already coming under fire.

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Driving Under the Influence of Canada: Possession of Strange, Foreign Driver's License Sends Woman to Georgia Slammer

Any number of unpleasant things can befall a motorist after an unexpected, police-initiated roadside stop. Asset seizure being just one of the dangers. Of course, suspected drug use can also ruin your day, as well as your life.

For an Ontario woman pulled over for speeding on the I-75 in Cook County, Georgia, the item that landed her in jail was exactly what the officer asked for: a driver’s license. Sorry, wrong country, she was told.

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  • 28-Cars-Later What happened to the $1.1 million pounds?I saw an interview once I believe with Salvatore "the Bull" Gravano (but it may have been someone else) where he was asked what happened to all the money while he was imprisoned. Whomever it was blurted out something to the effect of "oh you keep the money, the Feds are just trying to put you away". Not up on criminal justice but AFAIK the FBI will seize money as part of an arrest/investigation but it seems they don't take you to the cleaners when they know you're a mobster (or maybe as part of becoming a rat they turn a blind eye?). I could really see this, because whatever agency comes after it has to build a case and then presumably fight defense counsel and it might not be worth it. I wonder if that's the case here?
  • 28-Cars-Later "Around half of that money comes from the Department of Energy to help internal combustion engine suppliers retool to make EV parts."So, pay them to dispose of their current presses/equipment to choke future parts availability, then most of them become insolvent when EV doesn't happen. Brilliant!"Another $50 million provides grants of up to $300,000 for the companies to make their factories greener and improve cybersecurity.""$300K isn't squat to renovate anything in an actual factory or hire new SecOps folks/add to an IT dept (best I can think of is some developer training/conferences on more secure coding). Depending on how one would qualify, this is either a bribe to the owners so they'll dance whatever tune comes out of Washington, or just free money to selected parties (i.e. subservient to D.I.E.).FJB - May he live at least another 40 years in the most excruciating pain possible.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Auto Stop/Start is useless. If you want it, great, but it should be an option within a package. Same with those satellite stations. Just leave it off my head unit and give me AM radio and a USB port for my own music collection.
  • Doc423 Question to EV/Tesla owners : how long will a Tesla or EV hold a charge on it's battery when it sits for months, especially, like here, outdoors in all weather conditions??
  • Doc423 Would LOVE to see the laws changed here in the U.S. and see may of these sleezebags get jail time, including Dealers.