Honda's Not the First Car Company to Make an Airplane: The Ford TriMotor

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Since this isn’t The Truth About Airplanes or even Planelopnik, we don’t generally cover aviation here at TTAC, either general or commercial (sorry about that pun). However, Honda announced that last week the first production HondaJet took its maiden test flight, near Honda Aircraft’s Greensboro, NC headquarters, and Honda does, after all, make and sell a few cars too. They aren’t the first car company, though, to get into the airplane business. As a matter of fact an earlier automaker had a seminal role in the development of commercial passenger aviation and even took a flier (sorry again, couldn’t resist) at general aviation, though that experiment was less successful. I don’t know if Soichiro Honda’s ever envisioned his motor company making jet airplanes, but since one of Soichiro’s role models, Henry Ford, helped get passenger aviation off the ground (okay, the last time, I promise) it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the thought may have crossed Mr. Honda’s mind.

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Honda's Jet Is Delayed

Honda’s jet was supposed to be commercially available in 2012, and then in 2013, but it will be another wait of another year. The FAA certification of Honda’s small business jet is delayed until late next year, “due to a minor issue in the certification procedure, which has since been resolved,” says Reuters.

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Born From Cars

All Japanese car companies need a little good news to cheer them up. Honda has reason to smile a little. Honda’s business jet in Greensboro, NC, is a step further to production. Honda says its first FAA-conforming HondaJet light business jet achieved a maximum speed of 489 mph at 30,000 ft. and a maximum Mach number of 0.72 above 30,000 ft. This exceeds Honda’s performance commitment of 483 mph for the production HondaJet.

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  • Rochester If I could actually afford an Aston Martin, I would absolutely consider living in an Aston themed condo.
  • Redapple2 I ve slept on it. I would take one on a 3 yr lease for $199/mo- ($1000 down total). Evil gm Vampire gave me this deal in 2012.
  • 3SpeedAutomatic Would prefer a non-turbo with a stick shift. That would be more fun to drive!!🚗🚗🚗Also, I could teach my nieces and nephews to drive a standard. You'd be surprised how many folks can't handle a stick shift today. Yet, in Europe, most rental cars come with a stick unless you specify otherwise.
  • Jeffrey Henry Ford said about innovation, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, then they would have said a faster horse." Change is inevitable!!!,create%20and%20enforce%20such%20policies.
  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.