What's Wrong With This Picture: The Most Interesting Tuned Cayenne In World Edition
What does it take for a tuned Porsche Cayenne to be featured at TTAC? It must be nothing less than the most interesting tuned Cayenne in the world. And your…
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Aftermath: And I Hope You'll Find Your Freedom, For Eterniti …

After we wrote a bit about that new supercar company called Eterniti, and the people behind it, while Twitter was infested by odd operators, my phone started to ring in Beijing.

“Don’t you know who Kenny Chen is?” If you’ve spent some time in the auto biz in China, you can’t avoid that.

“Didn’t you hear that he bilked people out of their down-payments on cars?” We had heard such nasty rumors.

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A Day In Twitter-Hell That Felt Like Eterniti

Today might be the day the car industry loses its unconditional infatuation with social media. Like congressmen (especially half clothed congressmen), the auto industry could soon avoid social media like we avoid social diseases.

“This is all very annoying,” complains an exasperated Mark Carbery from London. “This Twitter matter turned into a real problem, for us and for other companies in the industry.”

Eterniti spokesman Carbery is a seasoned industry veteran. He started as the PR Manager for Toyota UK and worked for Daewoo and Michelin before hanging out the shingle for his own consultancy shop in bucolic Barnwell, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE8 5PS, UK.

Today he may be rethinking his career choice.

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A Cayenne In Eterniti Clothing? Or Maybe …

Yesterday, we ran a story about that new mystery British supercar from Eterniti. We had to draw our own conclusions, because we could not reach the company. Today, I received an email from Mark Carbery, who is the spokesman for Eterniti. The mail isn’t really bursting with information, but here it is:

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Introducing Eterniti, The Luxury Brand That Has Nothing To Do With Infiniti – Who ARE Those People?

Does the world need another luxury car brand? Hold up, let me rephrase that: does the world need another $250k luxury crossover with a new brand that sounds like a bad Infiniti knockoff? Well, whether we need it or not, it’s coming… and from Britain, not China! Or maybe it does?

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  • Bd2 If I were going to spend $ on a ticking time bomb, it wouldn't be for an LR4 (the least interesting of Land Rovers).
  • Spectator Wild to me the US sent like $100B overseas for other peoples wars while we clammer over .1% of that money being used to promote EVs in our country.
  • Spectator got a pic of that 27 inch screen? That sounds massive!
  • MaintenanceCosts "And with ANY car, always budget for maintenance."The question is whether you have to budget a thousand bucks (or euro) a year, or a quarter of your income.
  • FreedMike The NASCAR race was a dandy. That finish…