Dodge Offers Exclusive Challenger Demon 170 Accessories to Lucky Buyers

The Challenger Demon 170 is Dodge’s final sendoff for the cars, and with just 3,300 units planned for the car’s last hurrah, it will be one of the most exclusive models in the expansive series. The lucky few to get their hands on the car include celebrities and automotive royalty like Jay Leno, but there are plenty of “everyday” buyers, too. To help make the experience even more special for buyers, Dodge offers a series of “after-delivery” products exclusively for the car.

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Dodge Offered An Even More Final Round of Special Challenger Models To Celebrities and Owners

Dodge has been quite loud with its proclamations that this year’s “Last Call” Challenger and Charger models would really be the final round, but it appears that’s not entirely the case. Users on the Hellcat owner’s forum discovered that Dodge handed out as many as 25 ultra-exclusive Demon 170 Jailbreak models with exclusive colors to celebrities and select customers.

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Video of the Week: Relive the Dodge Last Call

Today's video of the week is an easy one.

If you missed the livestream of Dodge's Last Call, or want to see it again, here you go.

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  • Rochester I know they're supposed to be fun, but putting "GR" in front the Yaris and Corolla can't hide the fact that these cars are still a Yaris and Corolla. Rally cars, sure, but not sportscars in the way America thinks of sportscars. I miss the Camaro already, LOL.
  • MaintenanceCosts Honestly seems like it was ahead of its time. I think a squarer and bigger-wheeled version would sell pretty well in today's off-road-crazed market.
  • Scott Still don't understand why Toyota doesn't use GRrr! instead of GR.....
  • ToolGuy Are they confused? They sound confused.
  • Carson D That is an unusual looking cylinder head.