Reality Check: The Acura Integra GS-R

Chris Tonn’s find of a stock, low-mileage 1998 Acura Integra GS-R is definitely a rare one. It certainly had me feeling giddy as a past and present Integra GS-R owner. And then I saw the asking price — $11,800 — and nearly fainted.

On the magical internet scale of nice price to crack pipe, this is the lovechild of Robert Downey Jr. and Charlie Sheen. Allow me to explain.

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Digestible Collectible: 1998 Acura Integra GS-R

I have absolutely no idea how the B&B does it.

WordPress gives me notifications every time someone comments on something I’ve written, and the volume of your posts is overwhelming. Please don’t consider this a criticism — far from it. I appreciate everything the B&B has done to welcome me to these virtual pages over the last eight months, and I try to read and I do appreciate every comment you make.

This week, as I looked at German Hatches of the ’90s, I counted at least ten comments asking why anyone would consider an BMW E36 hatch or a VW Corrado over the contemporary Acura Integra GS-R. Perhaps I’ve been trying to hide my inner Honda/Acura fanboy, but I’ve relented to the wisdom of the TTAC hivemind and went shopping at the temple of VTEC.

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  • Slavuta I want to throw up from this decision
  • EBFlex Good. I hope the UAW thinks about this the next time they want to demand the moon
  • Lou_BC I wonder what the actual take rate was for the MT in a Gladiator? ................................... I do believe that they are making a big mistake by selling the Wrangler with the V6 pared only with MT and Turbo 4 only with automatic. ............... They will lose hardcore buyers. ................... Looks like Stelantis is going out of their way to kill off Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, and Ram.
  • 1995 SC I'm sure the Australians can hammer out the complexities of something like this
  • SCE to AUX Since it's an outdoorsy vehicle, it will feel natural to park the Gladiator outdoors when Stellantis recalls the 4xe battery pack.