Isle Of Man TT Claims Life Of French Rider Franck Petricola
The Isle of Man TT claimed one more Wednesday when French rider Franck Petricola succumbed to injuries caused during qualifying for this year’s events.
The 32-year-old was set to debut in the 2015 Isle of Man TT when his accident occurred at Sulby Crossroads according to BBC Sport, becoming the 141st rider to lose their life since the historic event began in 1907. Petricola nearly lost his life a year ago while practicing for the North West 200 in Northern Ireland, sustaining injuries near the start/finish line at Primrose Corner.
Course clerk Gary Thompson praised Petricola’s character as a rider while offering sympathies to the rider’s family and friends, stating the injuries he suffered at the NW200 — including multiple fractures and a head injury — would have caused “many a lesser man” to give up; Petricola competed in this year’s NW200 prior to the TT.
Practice continues Thursday evening, with the first race of the 2015 edition set to start Saturday.
[Photo credit: Franck Petricola/ Facebook]
Seattle-based writer, blogger, and photographer for many a publication. Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.
More by Cameron Aubernon
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As a street rider (in an uncontrolled riding environment as well) I know one-tenth of the thrill that these riders feel, and understand why they do it. That said, I wish they would try to make the course safer (where possible). Edit: I took a 6-mile ride yesterday and had to swerve around a wild turkey (about 15 lbs) that decided to step out on the road in front of me - it easily could have been a deer.
Here in the upper mid-west deer are a problem. Especially right now with all the yearlings getting kicked out.
I have caution genes. I wouldn't get on a motorcycle, or donorcycle, as I prefer to call them. I am very careful to weigh the risks of any activity against the pleasure I think I'll get from it (I did ride a bicycle across the country, wearing Bell hard-shelled helmet, serial # 7022). People who ride this race undoubtedly have a very different genetic makeup, and some day, scientists will sort out that genetics. Undoubtedly, both types were needed in hunter-gatherer bands, and probably both types still have their places in society. But there are probably safer ways for sensation seekers to get what they need than this race
'would have caused “many a lesser man” to give up' I find that sentiment morbidly hilarious. That "lesser man" wouldn't be dead from race qualifying. I support the notion of getting back on the horse. However, the chances of him being severely injured again or killed seem statistically significant compared to say a surfer getting back in the water after Jaws nibbled off a limb.