Elon Musk: "As You Can See, The Tesla Model S… Can Actually Seat Eight"

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Yes, the Model S can fit eight… just not legally. Meanwhile, those are some pretty small kids in the old-school, rear-facing jumpseats (they’re only approved for passengers under five feet tall). But hey, it’s Elon Musk’s party, and he’s free to say whatever he likes until the car is actually on sale.

Speaking of which, it seems that the multiple versions of the Model S will not only be differentiated by range (with 160,230 or 300 miles of range) but Autocar reports there will be a performance version of the 300-mile car as well, which will hit 60 MPH in 4.6 seconds instead of the standard 5.5 seconds. The 160-mile version is reported to cost around $50k, the 230-mile version about $60k, the standard 300-mile version around $70k and the performance version will hit $80k. For a taste of the Model S’s performance, hit the jump for a brief, chauffeured test ride video.

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

More by Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Psarhjinian Psarhjinian on Oct 03, 2011

    Those old-school rear-facing seats a) are still available on the E-Class wagon and (I think) Volvo V70, and b) probably still thought of fondly, especially among those TTACers who think that a GM B-Body wagon is better family conveyance than a modern minivan. For the record, my five-year old thinks the rear-facing seats in the E-Class are pretty cool.

    • Shaker Shaker on Oct 04, 2011

      Unfortunately, no roll-down back window (a-la Country Squire) to enjoy the no hydrocarbon wake.

  • Zykotec Zykotec on Oct 04, 2011

    Why is my inner voice repeating the words 'Tucker Torpedo' while watching this?

  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh my 68 cougar still turns the blinker off after return to center ... how did they screw that up?
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh was interesting until i saw it was in washington. depending on the area they use road salt. to also note the guy claims to have every gas receipt from 2018 to present, and ''only took it off road twice'' .. some red flags .. however if you can get toyota to go over it in a ''pre-owned inspection'' it might be worth it. the only other thing ... 28k seems low. which means to me they are motivated to sell it. kinda more red flags.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh This again is not the issue. The issue is 2500$ in rent that was 1000$ before by scumbag landowners and scumbag property groups and privatized medicine gouging out 3000$ a month from a lot of people. If they could afford the housing the could afford the car insurance. This has zero to do with politics and is just good old rich scumbag greed..
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Tayron or Tehran?
  • 1995 SC No VW's today?