Volt Birth Watch 176: Volt Jingle 2.0

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

Courtesy of GM-Volt.com, here’s GM’s first post-bankruptcy Volt jingle! And arguably a slight improvement over last May’s jingle. But if you think Big Ed Whitacre will stop all the song-and-dance frivolity, think again. “He will not try to run the programs,” Bob Lutz sneers at GM-Volt. “He knows almost nothing about the business. Nobody will diminish our focus on electrification.” As long as Whitacre kills the Volt-related musical development program, we’ll be happy.

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Daanii2 Daanii2 on Dec 07, 2009

    Good Lord. Where do these things come from?

  • Ott Ott on Dec 07, 2009

    What the F*@# was THAT?!?

  • Kamiller42 Kamiller42 on Dec 07, 2009

    That was horrible. Were my tax dollars used to pay for that garbage? "Cheaper than your phone." I don't have a $40k phone that requires insurance. Even if looking at just electricity costs, the Volt will drink way more electricity than my phone.

  • Davejay Davejay on Dec 07, 2009
    Cute song. I don’t think it will resonate with Californians who can afford to lease a Volt, though. As a Californian who can afford to lease a Volt, and a songwriter to boot, all I can say is that "cute song" is not the thought that came to mind listening to this. Looking forward to take three.