Jalopnik Selling "Save GM" T-Shirts. Oh Please.
Justin Berkowitz
(IC: employee)
Published: November 11th, 2008
Ray Wert, of “ A GM-Chrysler merger makes good financial sense” fame has announced that via CafePress, Jalopnik is selling “Save GM” t-shirts. Even if it’s meant ironically, I find this so blindingly stupid that I’m commentless. Help yourselves.
Published November 11th, 2008 6:18 PM
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RayWert : New York Auto Show. As Loudon Wainwright the III said, never underestimate the power of an arched eyebrow.
If Jalop's editorial position offered more ironic counterpoint to the absurdity of these shirts, I'd consider myself saluted. Maybe it's time to go out and "ironically" buy a Pontiac G3. That way I can illustrate the irony inherent in supporting GM, while not looking quite as toolish as the dude in the "Save GM" shirt. That having been said, I would be surprised and a little disappointed if Jalopnik suddenly made sense all the time.