TTAC Ten Worst Winner/Finalist Scoops Resale Award

Frank Williams
by Frank Williams

Hot on the heels of its 2006 TTAC Ten Worst Autos award, and its position as a 2007 finalist for the same, comes news that the Subaru Tribeca has scooped another major nod: Best Resale Value in the crossover segment. A Subaru press release on PRNewswire announces the Tribeca's glorification by Automotive Lease Guide (ALG). ALG says their gong is "derived after careful study of segment competition, historical vehicle performance and industry trends." It shows that "compelling design, high quality manufacturing, disciplined pricing and volume programs" lead to high residual value. The fact that Tribecas coming off lease don't have to compete with a flood of fleet units being dumped into the used car market has a lot more to do with the high residuals than "compelling design" (unless they're talking about Tribeca observers' compulsion to avert their gaze). The press release concludes by listing other awards the Tribeca has received, such as high crash test ratings and some award for interior design. Their tally totally ignores the honor TTAC readers bestowed on Ye Olde "Flying V" last year. Go figure.

Frank Williams
Frank Williams

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  • Umterp85 Umterp85 on Oct 25, 2007

    Agree with Frank----You may hate or love the Murano and Edge----BUT they will never be mistaken for something else....and manage to be different without butt ugly polarization like the previous B9. The redesigned B9 is the Ford Taurus of the CUV segment----improved engine but blander than a passover matzoh

  • SunnyvaleCA SunnyvaleCA on Oct 25, 2007

    Of course it has the best resale value. 2-year-old Tribecas have nearly no mileage on them since the original owners were too embarrassed to drive them on public roads! :-)

  • MaxHedrm MaxHedrm on Oct 25, 2007

    I preferred the old grill to the new Chrysler nose, that's for sure.

  • Steven Lang Steven Lang on Oct 25, 2007

    Sunnyvale, you may be onto something. I've noticed that throughout most of the country Subarus tend to have low mileage. When I was liquidating vehicles for Capital One, virtually every 5 year or younger Subaru would invariably have less than 10,000 miles per model year. There were exception to the rule (Seattle, Colorado Springs, Los Angeles) bt by and large Subarus tended to be lower mileage units. Atlanta may be a good example of the phenomena. Out here there isn't a single Subaru dealer in the northwest side of Atlanta, and none that I can recall in the south side either. However, if you go intown, you can't help to find a few. Subaru's... especially Foresters, are considered to be the quintessential intown vehicle. From my viewpoint, they tend not to be driven as much due in part to the shorter distances AND to the increased popularity of public transport and biking in Atlanta. I think that's part of the resale equation. The other part is that Subaru buyers tend to be more vigilant with maintenance. The majority of Subarus I see at the dealer auctions were garage kept and dealer maintained. In fact, I've usually been able to sell an Outback or Forester within 10 days from the time I purchase one. They are just amazingly popular and very little needs to be done to them to get them retail ready.
