Generation Why: Deloitte Study Shows That Money, Not Ideology Is The Biggest Obstacle To Car Ownership

One of the main criticisms of Generation Why is the lack of hard data to support this column’s ongoing thesis: that the lack of interest in car ownership among millenials is related to economics, rather than any sort of anti-car/pro-environment/pro-urban ideological shift among young people. Now, a key study from Deloitte confirms our initial hunch: young people want cars, but cannot afford them, and the notion of a car-free future, with walking, cycling and transit replacing the automobile (whether privately owned or shared via a service like Zipcar) is an unrealistic fantasy that somehow continues to have currency.

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Generation Why: No Job, No Money, No Car

“Too Poor To Drive”. This is the gut level conclusion that’s been propagated in “Generation Why” since January, 2012, long before the theory gained currency in the broader automotive world. In the nearly two years since, the “kids aren’t interested in cars because of technology/the environment/urbanization” meme has held up tenaciously – and it’s not entirely false.

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Study Proves: It's Not Your Phone That Distracts You - It's Her's

Why does it drive you nuts when other people around you are yakking away on their cell phones? It’s not the noise that distracts you. It’s hearing only one half on the conversation that is driving you mad. That according to a study by scientists at Cornell University, to be published in the journal Psychological Science. It could seriously impair your driving …

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  • MaintenanceCosts My dad had a closely related, but much less cool, Corolla Liftback of the same vintage when I was born. Typical of a Toyota, it was the low-drama car in the household, compared to mom's backfire-prone and fussy RX-3 wagon. Both cars got sold when we moved overseas in 1981, but neither parent had the sense to buy something low-drama again for quite a few more years.
  • MaintenanceCosts When they target one specific plant well outside of contract negotiation time, you know it's bad.Even if you distrust unions, ask yourself whether an individual whistleblower could have made any difference here without the union backing him up.
  • FreedMike IIRC, weren't '70s Japanese cars prone to rust?
  • Arthur Dailey Always liked these ever since my favourite aunt and uncle replaced the last of their British coupes (MG's and Jaguars) with one of these.
  • Redapple2 JK. said very little after Biden blew up NS2....... You saw through the BS. Good on yah bro.