GE WattStations and LEAFs: We'll Fix It in Software.

As we reported back on July 17th, there were reports of Nissan LEAFs “bricking” themselves while connected to GE’s WattStation home charging stations. Over the last 10 days, I have been on a number of conference calls, spoken with a number of Leaf owners, electrical engineers and battery charging gurus. As it turns out, the problem was exactly as I had surmised: bad utility power damaged the LEAF. The only involvement the GE WattStation had, was that it was merely the connection between the LEAF’s on-board charger and the utility.

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  • Redapple2 I ve slept on it. I would take one on a 3 yr lease for $199/mo- ($1000 down total). Evil gm Vampire gave me this deal in 2012.
  • 3SpeedAutomatic Would prefer a non-turbo with a stick shift. That would be more fun to drive!!🚗🚗🚗Also, I could teach my nieces and nephews to drive a standard. You'd be surprised how many folks can't handle a stick shift today. Yet, in Europe, most rental cars come with a stick unless you specify otherwise.
  • Jeffrey Henry Ford said about innovation, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, then they would have said a faster horse." Change is inevitable!!!,create%20and%20enforce%20such%20policies.
  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.
  • ToolGuy Michelin's price increases mean that my relationship with them as a customer is not sustainable. 🙁