Caterham Shows Aero Seven, Talks About Small Cars

Caterham’s showing off the “Aero Seven” concept, its latest attempt to comprehensively update the idea of the Seven for the next generation of drivers. (Their last attempt, the Caterham 21, was not well received and ended up being discontinued.) In addition to showing this very polished and very modern-looking car, Caterham’s co-founder Tony Fernandes discussed some future product that falls well outside the company’s traditional mission.

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Piston Slap: A Modest Proposal For a Shiny Ride

TTAC commentator raded writes:


I recently bought a new car for the first time. Up until 9 months ago, I had been driving a 1995 Buick Regal coupe that wore scratches and dents like badges of honor. After the transmission went out, I drove a hand-me-down 2002 Saturn L200 that had spent the majority of its life behind a motor home. In eight years of ownership, I took the Buick through an automatic car wash maybe three times and never washed it by hand (I live in Portland, Oregon. It rains almost nonstop October through May. That’s kind of like a car wash, right? Right??). Recently I took the Saturn through a car wash for the first time simply because I’m trying to sell it.

Now my fiancée and I have a pretty blue 2012 Mazda3 hatchback. For the first time in my life, I have a car that I want to keep looking good.

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  • MaintenanceCosts Depends on the record of the company developing them. If it’s got a record of prioritizing safety over years of development, I’ll be fine with it, and I’ll expect it to be less risky than typical idiot human drivers. If it’s a “move fast and break sh!t” outfit like Tesla or Uber, no way.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X No thanks. You'll never convince me that anybody needs this.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I'd rather do the driving.
  • SCE to AUX EVs are a financial gamble for any mfr, but half-hearted commitment will guarantee losses.BTW, if there were actual, imminent government EV mandates, no mfr could make a statement about "listening to their customers".
  • Zachary How much is the 1984 oldmobile (281)8613817