Hammer Time : Pick Your Stick!

5 cars – 5 sticks = 0 Customer Demand

I hate looking at that equation. But these days, it’s about as true for the car business as Georgia is hot. An older stickshift vehicle that isn’t an all out sports car will sit at a retail lot for months on end.

Nobody knows how to drive them except for those folks who are either too middle-aged, too arthritic, or too affluent to buy an older car with a manual transmission.

Don’t believe me? Well, here’s five vehicles that have become the equivalent of heavyweight paperweights at my humble abode. The funny thing is I like driving them all… I just wish I wasn’t two stickshifts away from driving a different handshaker every day of the week.

They are….

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  • Rochester If I could actually afford an Aston Martin, I would absolutely consider living in an Aston themed condo.
  • Redapple2 I ve slept on it. I would take one on a 3 yr lease for $199/mo- ($1000 down total). Evil gm Vampire gave me this deal in 2012.
  • 3SpeedAutomatic Would prefer a non-turbo with a stick shift. That would be more fun to drive!!🚗🚗🚗Also, I could teach my nieces and nephews to drive a standard. You'd be surprised how many folks can't handle a stick shift today. Yet, in Europe, most rental cars come with a stick unless you specify otherwise.
  • Jeffrey Henry Ford said about innovation, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, then they would have said a faster horse." Change is inevitable!!!https://www.wri.org/insights/countries-adopting-electric-vehicles-fastest#:~:text=Currently%2C%2016%20countries%2C%20including%20Canada,create%20and%20enforce%20such%20policies.
  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.