Double Blunder: UK Cities Propose Blanket 20 MPH Limit; ABGreen Calls It A Fuel Saver

It’s getting late in the game today and we’re down a couple of points, so its time to go for a double. Thanks to an easy pitch from the UK government and AutoBlogGreen, I’m going to swing. The Nanny State Incarnate is encouraging local UK governments to introduce blanket 20 mph speed limits in all residential area. And ABG picks up the story from Autocar and adds its own little brilliant addition to the story: its going to save fuel. Now how is it that a writer for the biggest little green blog in the land doesn’t know that cars are way less efficient at 20 mph than at their peak efficient speed of somewhere between 35 and 50? And there’s more; in fact this might well be a triple:

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  • Doc423 Rolling Coal is not a bad thing either.
  • Ajla In high school I really wanted a yellow GTO.
  • Lou_BC Sweet car.
  • FreedMike With 157K miles, that's basically a beater that looks good. Plus, I heard Honda CVTs turn dicey with age. I'm a "no" at $12,500, but someone's heart will go all aflutter over the J-vin (Ohio-vin?) and pay up. With a manual in the same shape, I'd be in for a LOT less.
  • EBFlex More proof the EV world is crumbling. In a market with supposedly “insatiable demand”, these kinds of things don’t happen. Nor do layoffs.