QOTD: What Dead Car Brand Absolutely Deserved to Die?

Last month, I brought to you a Question of the Day about resurrection; saving something from an untimely death. Naturally, we were talking about car brands — specifically, which dead brand you’d select to bring back to life in a modern world, with a modern lineup.

In the well-established TTAC interest of balance, fairness, and equality in all things, now we ask the opposite question: Which car brand deserved its death?

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Curbside Classic Dead Brands Week: 1987 Sterling 825 SL (Rover 825i)

N.B. In anticipation of Saab’s (inevitable) demise, we’re going to have Dead Brands Week at CC.

We’ll start off Dead Brands Week with a royal Rover triple bang, with this Sterling zombie corpse. When it comes to persistence (idiocy) in trying to flog dead corpses in the US, Rover absolutely takes the cake. It took three US deaths to finally convince Britain’s favorite maker of cars (and its government medium-wigs) to give up the ghost. The last attempt, Sterling, is the classic English car disaster story. Despite Rover’s intentions to avoid the usual pitfalls, by building an essentially reskinned Honda/Acura Legend, they still managed to create the ultimate rolling clap-trap English nightmare.

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  • 28-Cars-Later "Around half of that money comes from the Department of Energy to help internal combustion engine suppliers retool to make EV parts."So, pay them to dispose of their current presses/equipment to choke future parts availability, then most of them become insolvent when EV doesn't happen. Brilliant!"Another $50 million provides grants of up to $300,000 for the companies to make their factories greener and improve cybersecurity.""$300K isn't squat to renovate anything in an actual factory or hire new SecOps folks/add to an IT dept (best I can think of is some developer training/conferences on more secure coding). Depending on how one would qualify, this is either a bribe to the owners so they'll dance whatever tune comes out of Washington, or just free money to selected parties (i.e. subservient to D.I.E.).FJB - May he live at least another 40 years in the most excruciating pain possible.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Auto Stop/Start is useless. If you want it, great, but it should be an option within a package. Same with those satellite stations. Just leave it off my head unit and give me AM radio and a USB port for my own music collection.
  • Doc423 Question to EV/Tesla owners : how long will a Tesla or EV hold a charge on it's battery when it sits for months, especially, like here, outdoors in all weather conditions??
  • Doc423 Would LOVE to see the laws changed here in the U.S. and see may of these sleezebags get jail time, including Dealers.
  • 28-Cars-Later [list=1][*]Real bumpers.[/*][*]Visibility.[/*][*]Buttons. [/*][*]CD Players.[/*][*]Headlamp brightness limiter.[/*][*]Das internet ist verboten - but phone connections are not banned.[/*][/list=1] 6a. In this way users can choose to link their "phone" to the auto. 6b. If a user simply chooses to not do so, E.T. cannot phone home. 6c. Most will consent to a "phone" link up but there's now an opt out. EDIT: 7. Immediate layoff of 50% of employees of NHSTA, Federal DOT, EPA, and CARB.