Hyundai Hopes to Solve U.S. Sales Woes With Slick Little Pickup

Hyundai intends to launch a small pickup truck in the United States as part of its plan to catch up with the industry’s shift away from sedans. Up until now, that strategy has involved cramming as many SUVs onto the market as possible. But Hyundai brand sales are still dragging behind 2016’s monthly averages in the U.S., with end-of-year estimates falling short of company goals.

The solution is to keep pushing the Tucson, start deliveries on the Kona mini SUV before 2018, and begin development of a pickup truck based on the Santa Cruz concept from 2015 (seen above). Hyundai is also rumored to be planning on adding three additional sport utility vehicles or crossovers to its North American lineup by 2020 — helping it shore up waning sedan and hatchback sales.

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  • Jeffrey Henry Ford said about innovation, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, then they would have said a faster horse." Change is inevitable!!!,create%20and%20enforce%20such%20policies.
  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.
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  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I wonder if Fiat would pull off old world Italian charm full of well intentioned stereotypes.
  • Chelsea I actually used to work for this guy